Dragonlord187·3/9/2021in GeneralBest merging additionsA shield with a totem of undying An armor with an elytraA turtle shell with a helmetA chained armor (Any armor + Chainmail armor)OthersIdkVote121 Votes in Poll(Edited by Dragonlord187)ElytraArmorShieldTotem of Undying
TheMcBruiser6000·6/17/2020in PollBiggest flexDragon eggTotem of undyingSpongeFull netherite armorFull Netherite beaconNetherite hoeVote125 Votes in Poll(Edited by administrators)Totem of UndyingDragon EggSpongeNetherite (Disambiguation)
Thephoneguyyt·10/25/2019in GeneralYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSI DID ITAchievementsTridentTotem of Undying