In my opinion the Warden will be killable as with the Pigman: putting himself on a pillar of at least four blocks for how big the Warden is and hitting him from there ... Or with a dozen iron golems
Hi everyone, I tried to replicate sigils netherite factory using the honey block. But when I tried it, it didn't work! So on my best world I did this so I turned on cheats to see if it would work, but it didn't! What happened? Did Sigils install a mod for Camp Minecraft? Did he use commands to do this? Please tell me your ideas or give me something that works on switch!!
-SoulReaper/Jonasaurus Rex1
#Sigils #Camp Minecraft
218 Votes in Poll
88 Votes in Poll
107 Votes in Poll
81 Votes in Poll
65 Votes in Poll
So, I was just looking through the posts when I saw a post by @Sneakyfuuu with this picture:
Now, please keep in mind that I'll usually welcome texture changes with open arms, like the new ore textures. But for some reason, I can't accept the fact that the diamonds are changing. Not that I dislike it, I just don't want it to change. In fact, I don't know my own opinion on the new texture as a whole, since it's being fogged up by my opposition to the change. So, is this true?
Hi, I'm confusled. The other day I connected my microsoft account to minecraft on my switch. Is there a way to connect to it and not link my purchases? I put Leave On device, but then I can't sign into it! I'm so confused. Please Help.
I found an IP address and I want to connect to the server via command block, I found a Crazy Craft IP address, and I wanna cheat to play it, I play on switch so I'm trying to find away around to other servers. Cause I'm making one myself for my family. SO HELP!
HP: 90%
87 Votes in Poll
54 Votes in Poll
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32 Votes in Poll
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