123 Votes in Poll
74 Votes in Poll
comment what are some mc yter builders that use no mods! me and my friend are trying to make an smp but we cant find any good builds that use no mods D: tysm!
I found a taiga village yesterday with around six or seven villagers.
Two of them were baby villagers, and all the rest were...weaponsmiths.
I was kinda hoping for, I don’t know, maybe a farmer, but, y’know, weaponsmiths are okay too.
Also here's the old one; https://minecraft.fandom.com/d/p/3111877215257122591
I was also inspired by this; https://www.instagram.com/p/CKKoscbLfON/?igshid=njxsrmryqwos
72 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
Any good seeds for bedrock edition? Xbox One, looking for a spawn in or not far from a village. Bonus points for weirder village generation! (Middle of ocean, in a cliffside, under terrain, ravine, etcetera)
Seed 666 is the best seed because it spawns you near a village, a forest a, and one of those ruined portal thingies
I created a Let's Play. I called it ChickenCraft because I had the community celebration chicken skin on. anyway, this is how it went:
I started out in a taiga. Got stuff from bonus chest and was just about to punch some trees when i saw a village in the distance. I ran there and found it was a zombie village. I looted the place (it was massive) and got some saplings and iron tools. I then explored a bit and found a hidey hole to sleep in, since I snatched a bed from the village. Made a hole in the hill I had chosen and slept. Then, I went mining and found a big ravine. Got some coal next day, and torched the place up a bit. Then started work on my base. Worked for like 15 minutes and got the main idea done. That was it for day 1. Watch my video on it and my reactions on YouTube:
In your opinion, what is a "nat-gen structure" that should be added? I made a list last week and listed the Raided Village, Nether Well, Abandoned Hut and MinePit.
Did a video about it too. What are your structure ideas and mechanics?
Comment and like please!
I have been in mc lately and i was just bored so i decided to do stuff in creative mode
So i started a new world an i noticed that there were some villages
So i searched for stuff
I found ALOT of villages
Thats not all
Theres also a giant nether portal frame a savanna village (we will get back to that ) and next to the savanna village a pillager outpost
A few more villages ( a haunted village with a blacksmiths chest 1 diamond 1 iron pickaxe , a village with 2 blacksmiths a bit of iron and an iron pickaxe)
Now we get to the crazy part
At the savanna village theres a big cave
If you enter it you either go down and find some diamonds
Or you go down find 2 ravines
If you go down these 2 there some diamonds
The most crazy thing i saw there
Was a stronghold
Just randomly
The stronghold there is
Really really big
Even tho the connections between some tunnels broke due to the fact that the stronghold goes from height 2-30
The portal to the end needs all 12 eyes
Well thats all i have discovered for now but i will send some pics and the seed
But since i only can send 1 image per post i wont be able to
i hope i will find a way to post all the images
Heres the seed : -873597656
Its only for minecraft bedrock players
73 Votes in Poll
I don't really have time to make every building with every occupation because it will take me forever. This village has the following:
3 normal houses
Haybale piles
6 Occupations (Blacksmith, Farmer, Cleric, Leatherworker, Stoneworker, Fisherman)
A stable
A cow ben
A bell, of course
Here are the pictures.