Hi everyone, I tried to replicate sigils netherite factory using the honey block. But when I tried it, it didn't work! So on my best world I did this so I turned on cheats to see if it would work, but it didn't! What happened? Did Sigils install a mod for Camp Minecraft? Did he use commands to do this? Please tell me your ideas or give me something that works on switch!!
-SoulReaper/Jonasaurus Rex1
#Sigils #Camp Minecraft
125 Votes in Poll
123 Votes in Poll
Today, i got a villager from a village from Episode 4, built a bunker, e.t.c. Not much otherwise. Something really scary happened at the end though. Also, off camera, i got a bunch of coal for my villager (blacksmith) and went up. Traded a bit.
Video here:
Ok I'm not trying to brag because most of you already have this stuff.
I have defeated the ender dragon 2 times, I have the egg, The End Portal is under My house. I have a Fortune III Unbreaking III Efficiency IV Netherite Pickaxe, a Unbreaking II Riptide III trident, a Fire aspect II Unbreaking I Sharpness IV Looting I Netherite Sword, a Sharpness II Looting II Unbreaking II Netherite Sword, 3 Conduits, 245 Xp Levels, 53 Diamonds, 5 stacks of Iron, 3 stacks of gold, 4 stack of block of coal, 2 stacks of Lapiz Lazuli, 3 stacks of Redstone(That one no big feat) a Normal Trident, a Channeling I enchanted Book, Diamond Armor, 2 netherite scraps, found a Bastion Remnant with 23 blocks of gold, I have a Respawn Anchor, Village with 2 villagers(THEY JUST WON'T BREED!) Every single kind of vegetable, Chorus fruit, 3 Water Breathing 8:00 min, Friend that eats pufferfish and drinks harming II potions(That's Not very bright now is it?) Elytra, 2 Dragon Heads, A parrot up until recently RIP Eden, A bunch of wood, Finally found a Swamp so some slime balls, and thats about how much I've done, Working on to fight the wither once I'm ungrounded.
That was more of a rant lol!
Have a Fantastic Friday!(I'm Not, No Video Games This Weekend. UGHHH)
SoulReaper aka Jonasaurus Rex1
One time had to give a villager 30 emralds for one suneflower
This (Its Bad So Make It Better)
Endermen with flower crowns, they can not see you so it's ok to stare at them.
Villagers over water in some type of tower above water?
Ride dolphins, sure it may be animal abuse, but don't forget the damn achievement from a pig falling five plus blocks with a rider on it. Or, overworld striders.
Ocelots are semi-nocturnal, like foxes.
Pandas and ocelots can climb trees (other animals as well)
Hi, I'm confusled. The other day I connected my microsoft account to minecraft on my switch. Is there a way to connect to it and not link my purchases? I put Leave On device, but then I can't sign into it! I'm so confused. Please Help.
I found an IP address and I want to connect to the server via command block, I found a Crazy Craft IP address, and I wanna cheat to play it, I play on switch so I'm trying to find away around to other servers. Cause I'm making one myself for my family. SO HELP!
HP: 90%
That's right guys, it's me, and im back at the let's play! Big day today, i got an axe, a horse, expanded my mob farm, and lots of other stuff! OH, AND A VILLAGE!
(with 1 villager :/) Anyway, click the link below to watch it. Im sorry for the MASSIVE delay, i kinda gave up on it. But i was motivated to come back :) so, im back!
87 Votes in Poll
The Imprisoned is A special Villager variant found in the Deep Dark Caves. They spawn in small, naturally generated, and fairly common dilapidated jail cells that must be touching a Deep Dark Cave system. These cells are more common near each other and wardens spawn more frequently the more of these there are in one area. Only one imprisoned spawns per cell. The Imprisoned wander aimlessly and will attack you on sight, dealing 2-3 damage per hit, and will stop attacking if you do not attack back. They drop chains (0-4) and sometimes rotten flesh. You can cure them the way you do a Zombie Villager and they will become a regular Villager, whose profession is random and has a 30% chance to have no profession. Attacking or curing one will cause the nearest Warden to be alerted to your presence if it hasn’t already. Type: Neutral. Health: 20hp (10 hearts). Appearance (Idea not Final):
Teacher: You can't hear images
All Yall feel free to post more!
74 Votes in Poll
58 Votes in Poll
87 Votes in Poll