I found this in my world
I was clearing some snow off my island with a water bucket. Now, it was day, so I wasn't really concerned, but I kept my trident on me just in case. So, I'm clearing the snow when all of the sudden I hear a cave sound.
Now, from what I've heard, cave sounds don't just happen in caves; as long as the area is a low enough light level (and cave-like, including a large unlit box), a cave sound can play.
Well, there were multiple problems with this. First, like I mentioned earlier, it was day time. Second, I was out in the open - my buildings were like 20 blocks away and well lit. Third? I had placed some water at the time, which revealed a small pool of water, completely unaccessible to me until now.
Here's the thing - that means there was no opening for me. Sure, the light level definitely would have been low enough, but there's still one more point to be made - FROM MY CURRENT KNOWLEDGE, CAVE SOUNDS DON'T GO THROUGH BLOCKS. They happen when you enter the dark area, or when you're currently in the dark area.
Now, I will admit that I believe in Minecraft Creepypastas like Herobrine, Null, and a few others. But a cave sound is a natural thing. I just can't (and don't want to) believe that this strange occurence was caused by an unknown entity!
So, on that note, does anybody know what's going on?
Named after the Highblock keep of the Arch illager, highblock fortress is not a normal build. Instead of constructing the walls, a crater was first made by tones of tnt, and lava is poured over it. Then, water is poured, freezing the lava into cobblestone to form the majestic pillars and walls. Currently still under construction. Here are some snapshots of it. Note: I build the foundation with only lava and water.
Also, press F to pay respects to the village I accidentally incinerated during the lava pouring process
Anyone care to explain i didnt know that end water is purple im not gonna lie i am pretty bad at minecraft
54 Votes in Poll
I just played with commands, i type /setblock ~ ~ ~ flowing_water and this happened. I ask myself wtf is going on here.
Mojang thought that you need a diamond pick to go to the nether. No. You can make a portal with this handy guide.
About 5 minutes
What you need
Lava and water source
Another player (optional but easier)
Flint and steel
Go fill the buckets
Place some water
Then quickly place lava.
Repeat until you make it into portal shape
Your off!
Hope you like it
I found a pirate ship sideways floating on a high iceberg and a mineshaft in the ocean found with lava in a tiny hole
(I can take screen shots if you want proof)
Somehow the ice is solid for polar bears
But for players not?
I have Minecraft ps3 (i don't have a ps4, oof) and there is a glitch where you can have a BlOcK oF wAtEr!!! You have to be in game mode c. you have to turn pick block on. you will get a bucket of water and an anvil. you place the anvil in the water. you break the anvil and pick block at the same time! you have to do it at the same time or it won't work. (you can place the water in the nether if you get the water block)
You see several things cursed in this image:
Warped Forest in.... Overworld?!?
Bastion Remnant beside.... Water?!?
Warped Forest that goes on... Forever?!?
When you put all those together, you get a cursed image.
But you are wrong. None of this is cursed. This is actual game footage.
Wanna know how to get this? Simple. Set the "World Type" in "Create New World" to "Single Biome". Set the biome to "Warped Forest". Soon you can capture similar cursed images.
I always wanted to see more farming tools in minecraft, like a scythe or something. I was thinking it could be used as a weapon, a tool for cutting crops and maybe used by a new mob. The way it could work is by holding it and walking through tall grass or crops and it automatically cuts it, maybe 2 rows at a time. I was also thinking it would be neat to see a pillager mob have one or an undead mob with one, like death.
And boats, we need more boats in minecraft. Not saying we need motorized boats but we need a better variety like sailboats and small ships or rafts. I realize we just had a water update but in the next one, they need to add more boats. I was also thinking about an obsidian boat for lava travel, although I don’t like the idea myself.
Just gonna add real quick, who would like to see the nether reactor re-added?
What do you guys thing about these?
Thanks for reading.