687 Votes in Poll
687 Votes in Poll
Hi everyone, I tried to replicate sigils netherite factory using the honey block. But when I tried it, it didn't work! So on my best world I did this so I turned on cheats to see if it would work, but it didn't! What happened? Did Sigils install a mod for Camp Minecraft? Did he use commands to do this? Please tell me your ideas or give me something that works on switch!!
-SoulReaper/Jonasaurus Rex1
#Sigils #Camp Minecraft
Hi, I'm confusled. The other day I connected my microsoft account to minecraft on my switch. Is there a way to connect to it and not link my purchases? I put Leave On device, but then I can't sign into it! I'm so confused. Please Help.
I found an IP address and I want to connect to the server via command block, I found a Crazy Craft IP address, and I wanna cheat to play it, I play on switch so I'm trying to find away around to other servers. Cause I'm making one myself for my family. SO HELP!
HP: 90%
87 Votes in Poll
This is 10 things you didn't know about the Wither Rose
Did you know that the Wither Rose is the only small block (smaller than a block, fence, wall e.t.c) that emits particles?! Smelly Rose!
The Wither Rose may have been inspired by a horror story! It's a rumou cherished by Minecraft fans!
Wither Roses actually don't deal damage! They only give you the Wither effect! Meaning that when people say that the Cactus, The Wither Rose and the Sweet Berry are the only plants that deal damage, they are wrong!
Wither Roses were supposed to be a variation of the rose! But since Roses were deleted, they are know a plant in their own right! A unique type!
When a mob is killed by a Wither, a Wither Rose will grow in it's place, meaning that it shouldn't be considered flammable. I mean, the Wither is VERY flammable and shoots fireballs, so????
Snapshot version - 21w06a
There is no whitelist you can join straight away!
You need to be on the above snapshot to join the server.
There is no rules really just keep chat clean.
Griefing and all that is allowed so protect your base :-)
free to do what you like
100% vanilla
pretty active
You can join using the ip below
Join our discord - https://discord.gg/Nk6GtD3459
Enjoy your stay any questions or issues you can contact me on discord
the server is 24/7
Entrry 1
Dear Dairy, i wonted too ask u somthingg. Why are you named after milk? Dairy. It doesnt mak sense. Anyw, me name Steve, and i live on a farm with my brother Steve, my other brother Steve, my daddy Steve and my mom Steve. (Dont question it) Today, i am sitting on a cowch riting thiss. My brother is playing Chesssss with me brother. Oh no! Slmeone is att da door! Be rright bak!
I got a puffafish! Me dad bought me 1 at da store! Ive alreddy named him. A verry original nam. Steve! Its gret! Ill go put him in me aquariummm and pet him and feed him. Be right back!
Entry 2
I dont know why, but after patting me Puffafish i knocked out. Now i am in big whyte room wiz doctorz and me mommy and daddy. They say im gknna die. Oh oh. Thats not good. Butt i still do not undastand! Why am i gonna die? All i did was pat me Piffafish, steve! Life is weird Dairy, i dont undastand it. Hey loook, there is my brother! He is holding an axe! I wonder wh... OW!
You Died.
Points: 0
Haha lol
Best used on the wither and wither skeletons has a chance to be on a pigin burtes axes it does more damege than smite on the wither and wither skletons
A while ago, i posted a post advertizing my YouTube channel. And i have something important to tell you. I need a custom skin for it, and i am really bad at making skins, so i need your help. Please create a cool skin (prefferably a Vader) and i will send a shoutout to you in the next video. Thanks!
Hello, welcome to MINECON FAN, in which we will create a new fan-made update 1.18. The theme is "1.18 The Undead Update"
Now all you need to do is post your features down below and i will make them into an update! Thank You!
ITS OUT! PREMIERE ON! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RmQhjLcgfk
The 1 Chunk Skyblock Challenge (Pt.1) Main Build video.
Here is a link to my channel:
Premiere soon...
Noob: hey villager! Wanna talk????!!!!!!!!!
Villager: hrrm. (No shut up)
Noob: I want to trade!
Villager: hrrm! (Ok!)
Noob: heres a diamond! Id like that cool piece of bread!
Villager: HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Heck no! Im calling the cops)
Noob: but why?
Villager: HRRM. (It ruined my life.)
Then the cops arrive but we have a problem.
Noob: am I going into prison? Gets blinded by an illusioner. Ooh cool! But why is there an arrow stuck inside my butt?
Next thing you know noob: HELP IM DYINGGGGGGGGGggggggggg...
Ends with a lot of blood and terror.
I know y'all like memes so do you think we should make a meme page? (I think it doesn't have to do with Minecraft so ill get an admin's permission)
Srry if this is off topic. It looked like we needed one.
Plz dont come to this post to insult cats. If you do it will be reported.