Or do wither skeletons seriously sound like wooden windchimes - like I'd totally vibe to that
685 Votes in Poll
685 Votes in Poll
Or do wither skeletons seriously sound like wooden windchimes - like I'd totally vibe to that
Prompt: I'm tired of basic SKELETON ARCHERS IN THE NETHER winning all the time!
My Presentation:
Are you anxious around Skeletons, stealthily clattering around you in search of the perfect angle to snipe you at? Are you nervous that, as you battle Zomified Piglins, Blazes, Magma Cubes, or Wither Skeletons, a single arrow to the side may send you flying into the Great Magma Sea? Are you upset that Skeletons love to shoot you, going as far as waiting for you in heck to personally oversee your long-ranged demise?
Well, do I have a solution for you! No, really, do I? Yes I do! I think. Yep, I do.
To change the fact that skeleton archers are scary in the Nether, when you are always on the verge of giving the world your Bath Lava, I've come up with the perfect solution!
Title: The Withering Archers
Tagline: At least it's not the normal skelley archer seeking your demise!
The Withering Archers are three-block-tall black skeletons that shoot Arrows of Decay at you. They are immune to all arrows and their effects, except for a select few. Spectral Arrows will deal damage and highlight them, while Arrows of Decay will stun them, but heal one half-heart of theirs. The most effective way to defeat them is by melee, which is difficult, for they have 80 full-hearts of hp.
To go along with this name, while it is not expected that they will be known as anything other than what they've always been called, Wither Skeletons will now be officially called The Withering Soldiers.
Withering Soldiers and Withering Archers now also spawn at Withering Outposts, which are basically the Nether's equivalent to the Pillager Outpost. One will be present per world, and can only be found through a Withered Outpost Map obtained during Piglin bartering (1 in 69,000 chance). At Withering Outposts, Two Golden Apples spawning in any one individual chest is a 20% chance. There is a 5% chance of two Enchanted Golden Apples, and a 1% chance of a chest that contains 6 Ancient Debris, making the Withering Outposts insanely good for loot.
But along with the benefits, Withering Outposts can be very scary. The Withering Brute spawns in the W.O. It is a four-block-tall black skeleton decked out in a Netherite Chestplate with Thorns 3 and Protection 4. While its armour helps it health-wise, it actually has 70 full-hearts, which is 10 less than a Withering Archer and now a Withering Soldier. It carries a Netherite Axe in Java, or a Netherite Sword in Bedrock or Pocket. However, defeating it will bring up a special message for everyone in the game to see: "The Withering Brute has been defeated by (users who dealt damage to it during the life where it died)! A secret vault has been opened somewhere in the Withered Outpost!". Inside the secret vault, which was previously encased in bedrock, is three stacks of Wither Skeleton Skulls and four stacks of soul sand, as well as seven-hundred stacks of coarse dirt (Why? Because it's absolutely useless and unintelligent to take without a well-thought reason).
Wrap-Up: "Hey, guys! I, Rooster, would just like to say, thank you for listening for my TedTalk!"
I was in a middle of speedrunning without wood and died in the nether fortress by a wither skeleton, and I went back the nether fortress was not there, and a hoglin sneaked back and killed me. I don't like 1.16. The fortress was in a warped forest and I was in the SAME warped forest, it wasn't there.
73 Votes in Poll
With looting 3 you only need to kill an average of 18 wither skeletons to get a skull
91 Votes in Poll