What is you guys' favorite wood in the game? I'll go first - I like warped wood because it stands out against the red and black of the nether really well.
What is you guys' favorite wood in the game? I'll go first - I like warped wood because it stands out against the red and black of the nether really well.
57 Votes in Poll
118 Votes in Poll
I was in a middle of speedrunning without wood and died in the nether fortress by a wither skeleton, and I went back the nether fortress was not there, and a hoglin sneaked back and killed me. I don't like 1.16. The fortress was in a warped forest and I was in the SAME warped forest, it wasn't there.
Just a quick question...
Why don't we have bookshelves of different kinds of wood?!
Why must I use ugly freakin oak to build my enchantment rooms?! Have we not advanced far past this level as a society? Are we not better than this? C'mon, Mojang!! You gave us doors, trapdoors buttons, pressure plates, and everything in between, but not bookshelves!?
I decided to do a new and different looking house. I like woodland type houses so I hope you like it too
World name:Ombré II
So what's the hardest material in minecraft?
Cobblestone? No.
Iron? No.
Obsidian? No.
Diamonds? No.
Netherite? No.
Wood? Yes.
Why? This theory originates from the most important block in Minecraft... The crafting table.
When you're crafting a diamond tool/sword/armor piece
You're transforming standard oval-shaped diamonds into different shapes.
How do you do that? Of course, you need something stronger than the diamond itself to reshape it. And the crafting table's strong enough to reshape diamonds. So how do you create a crafting table? Four humble wood planks.
What about netherite? You use smithing tables don't you? Well, don't forget the ore blocks. 9 netherite ingots = 1 block of netherite. Exactly - if you want to reshape netherite, then the crafting table used must be even stronger.
49 Votes in Poll
Any suggestions on how I can decorate my house? Also how do I prevent mobs from spawning in my house? Because when I’m decorating the interior of my house I see some creepers, skeletons, endermen, and spiders walking in my house’s rooms
96 Votes in Poll
69 Votes in Poll