The Imprisoned is A special Villager variant found in the Deep Dark Caves. They spawn in small, naturally generated, and fairly common dilapidated jail cells that must be touching a Deep Dark Cave system. These cells are more common near each other and wardens spawn more frequently the more of these there are in one area. Only one imprisoned spawns per cell. The Imprisoned wander aimlessly and will attack you on sight, dealing 2-3 damage per hit, and will stop attacking if you do not attack back. They drop chains (0-4) and sometimes rotten flesh. You can cure them the way you do a Zombie Villager and they will become a regular Villager, whose profession is random and has a 30% chance to have no profession. Attacking or curing one will cause the nearest Warden to be alerted to your presence if it hasn’t already. Type: Neutral. Health: 20hp (10 hearts). Appearance (Idea not Final):