Why piglins hoglins and piglin brutes zombifing when come overworld or end
Why piglins hoglins and piglin brutes zombifing when come overworld or end
114 Votes in Poll
I built a little Nether-themed oasis inspired by @Marek Holotňák ’s mini world:
Four sections: Mushrooms, Basalt Deltas, Warped Forest, and Crimson Forest.
There are actually five sections- notice the small Soul Sand Valley.
This is in the same world as my floating island and my creeper house.
Just like I named the creeper Skeppy, I named the zombified piglin dream and the strider pix
A clearer view of the Soul Sand Valley
88 Votes in Poll
I think I forgot something.
Well if you forgot, it’s probably not important.
Yeah, you’re right.
Zigman: Mike Wasaoski face.
The nether update is here! Poor zombie pigmans they were removed and replaced with zombified piglins. I had a world with them but i eliminated the world, so they cannot be seen again the only way is summon them with /summon.
37 Votes in Poll
69 Votes in Poll
60 Votes in Poll
60 Votes in Poll
When Mojang announced that Zombie Pigmen were being replace by "zombified pigeons" with a new texture and many other changes, I was devastated. Zombie Pigmen are too iconic and beloved to mess with. So i found a post on the Minecraft Feedback Website which suggested keeping zombie pigment as they are and having Zombified pigeons be a new, separate mob.
This is a great idea but it only has 33(34 after I voted) votes, so I would like everyone on this wiki that likes this idea to go to Minecraft feedback and like it and also try to get as many people as they can to like it. We can save the zombie pigmen!
Is the zombie pigmen the same mob with the zombified piglins?
And is it true that the original zombie pigmen will be removed?
So it was meant to be a simple day of digging, bit of mining, bit of smelting and things changed... FAST, I followed raiders into my nether portal wondering what they were up to and a creeper blew the land from around my feet and put out the portal.
This was some of the worst times in Minecraft when everything was going so well...I hope you enjoy watching the video, please leave a like if you liked and consider subscribing if you're not already!
Anything you'd like to see me do in the videos please let me know in the comments.
Thanks for watching.
Follow me on Twitter @Daxinomega
#minecraft # survival #Bridgebuild
I went back into the Nether to get Blaze rods because I wanted to make water breathing potions, the mission was a success and I got what I came for. I also made the potions in this video.
The reason I wanted water breathing is because I want to feed Dolphins and follow them to treasure and hoping to get a map or two and then follow the maps to MORE treasure!
I didn't die again so I'm really getting used to not dying, however I don't want to get too over confident as then I'll do something really stupid like fall off something.
I hope you like the video everyone, thanks for watching and if you want to be involved in future projects, builds, adventures then follow me on Twitter @daxinomega.
Thanks everyone,
My first trip into the Nether, and it could have gone better but it could have also gone a lot worse! I'm glad I have enchanted diamond armour and sword otherwise I don't think I would have made it out.
I learnt a few things after I had been in the first time, one of them being that if I had left the zombiepigmen alone then they would have left me alone, but if I'd have known that I wouldn't have got their loot, but I know for next time.But the mission was a success, I got the Nether warts I needed for potion I want to brew, which leads me to my next issue... I need to go back to get Blaze rods!
Now though I feel I don't need to be so scared of being there, I feel like this adventure has given me the confidence I need to almost make a base in the Nether and sleep there from time to time, but with every part of this game it's massive and there is so much more to learn and explore .
Thanks for watching everyone.
Please follow me on twitter where we can discuss further missions into the world and future builds and projects.
I think if they are removing the Zombie Pigman then they should keep it's spawn egg in the creative menu so that if you want it in your world you can add it. Even if you can only have the Zombie Pigman in creative it's better then nothing.
If a pig is considered stupid,
And a zombie has got no brains,
The question is:
WHY are zombie pigmen SMARTER than normal pigs and STRONGER than normal zombies?