112 Votes in Poll
Thankfully this necro-bump ride can finally come to an end due to KingBDogz confirming the lore is what you want it to be: kingbdogz on Twitter: "@Daley_Kong @JOEZCafe__ @docsquiddy This is exactly how we look at it. Minecraft experience is about building your own story and journey. Just as blocks can be combined together to form unique pieces of art, the player's emergent experiences are "blocks" of story that they piece together to form unique stories." / Twitter
Edit: KingBDogz is a developer at Mojang for those not familiar.
Developers have confirmed that the Warden has a way to prevent towering that is still to be seen.
The first one is Infested stone. Infested stone blocks house silverfish. You can't collect these blocks with silk touch. These also only spawn in Extreme Hills/Mountains.
The second one is Ancient Debris. You use Ancient Debris in furnaces to make Netherite Scraps and can't be burnt in lava (if it's netherite related, not even Netherite armor can be burnt in lava)
(Note: The process in making Netherite tools, armor, and/or items is by smelting the Ancient Debris to get Netherite Scraps, take four Scraps and 4 Gold Ingots in a crafting table to collect Netherite Ingots, then take a Smithing Table, the Netherite Ingot, and a Diamond tool and you'll be able to upgrade from Diamond to Netherite)
A developer behind minecraft
112 Votes in Poll
Let me rephrase the question, Is the fabulous graphic setting (the one that lets you see rain through glass) on Xbox one Bedrock?
Is Fabulous graphics on Xbox one Bedrock?
I believe it was as a way to locate and detect caves
I'm sure it was to help people locate caves and add quality of life
Made a mistake in the title, it's supposed to say "Are you happy Microsoft is selling emotes for over 2$"
69 Votes in Poll
89 Votes in Poll
To recap what these mobs were supposed to do.
Mob A- "Monster of the Ocean Depths"
"The monster will attack you with its tongue-like tentacle to pull you down and drown you. It spawns in deep waters and uses its large mouth to propel itself forward. You should vote for this mob because the oceans currently don't have that much content and it would make it more exciting when travelling from island to island." -Jens Bergensten
Mob C- "Great Hunger"
"This cute-looking mob has a huge mouth and a great appetite for enchanting powers. It will open its huge jaw and sink into the ground where it camouflages itself. Any mobs or items that fall into its mouth will be consumed. You should vote for this mob because it has some interesting enchanting powers. Maybe you can even use these abilities to your own advantage? To add or remove enchantments from your own items." -Jens Bergensten
Mob D- "Hovering Inferno"
"This is a master Blaze, with body parts, [that] look like shields, used to defend itself. The Hovering Inferno spawns with a group of blazes as a random encounter in the Nether. It has a shockwave attack that is very dangerous and you will definitely need some flame protection to defeat this mob. You should vote for Mob D, because it would make the Nether even more scary and exciting." -Jens Bergensten
98 Votes in Poll
Cooblestone Spire to the build limit
@Supadude05 5 It quite is indeed! Not counting the two legs, this thing spans 197 block in the x and y axis, and 16 blocks on the z-axis!
So far, I believe it's taken me 5 hours 20 minutes? A hour to design one of the four main legs (20 for the design of one of the 8 small secondary legs(haven't touched that up yet), 2 hours to build the body up (still isn't finished), and 2 hours for the trading hall, central connector, and villagers complying to having the trades I wanted. Give me another two hours and I could hopefully at least getting one trident enchantment
Hey there! You're probably wondering what M.E.G.A.S (Massive Enigmatic Ground and Air Structure) is, and if you haven't seen it just yet...
(Well here it is! (In uh, updated form))
Now then, let's move on. I currently have four biome capsules for the Nether ready for 1.16, however, I do not know which biomes to put in there (Nether Wastes, Warped Forest, Crimson Forest, Soulsand Valley, and Basalt Delta)
(In progress)
These environmental capsules (not going to be the only ones in the build) are 13x13 (counting glass) and to serve as a connection for the first floor (or basement? The entrances aren't on this floor) into three different rooms (two are for the trading hall)
Now for the trading hall, it currently hosts almost all max enchantments in the pris- villagers trades (missing those of the trident) and all of the tipped arrows (except for slow falling, Java-exclusive for some reason) and with more villagers to come to their lovely new pri- homes. Now, of course, the trading hall seems small, however, later on I am going to expand it to a bigger size (for those with investigator-like eyes congrats on seeing it, for those who don't look at the bottom left side of the build). Now enough jibber jabber and lets view it.
(In development front)
(A hardworking 'Resident')
(Second Floor)
Please note that the next update post will be a while. Until then, keep working! Stay safe! And don't let the slaves fool you!
(Single Person Incorpation, covering up one track at a time)
84 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll