Why are you still commenting on my post? How did you even find this post? Could you please stop spamming comments?
Enchanted golden apples are no longer craftable. They are found in dungeons, abandoned mineshafts, desert temples, ruined portals, and woodland mansions if you're in Bedrock Edition, as well as bastion remnants if you're in Java Edition. Depending on the structure, they have a 1.4% to 6.5% chance to generate. For more information, check out this page. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Enchanted_Golden_Apple
Yeah, it's Minecraft Earth only. Normal Minecraft, Minecraft Dungeons, etc will still be available to play.
There wouldn't be any point to it. The mod itself is free.
The lush caves haven't been introduced in a snapshot yet.
I don't think either would win, since neither are actually in Minecraft.
The blue axolotl is the rarest variant. Don't post polls about objective facts.
Oh, okay. I can't answer your question then, I'm afraid.
I have no idea what you're talking about. What's a pinky and what does it have to do with Minecraft?
Sorry if the image is too small.
Axolotls. That's it.
Then why are you even on here?
I never said I used OptiFine. I'm just saying, if you hate it, just don't use it.
No offense, but if you hate Optifine, why don't you just not use it?
Or maybe you should actually get Minecraft instead of using a knock-off version.
We already got a village update. I think that after the Caves and Cliffs update comes out, we should get an End update.
Can't you just ban them?
Right now, you can't find them at all. They haven't been added as of the most recent snapshot.