In addition to what oarfish said, take a trident with impaling 4 or 5 on it.
Also conduits will be a great help.
Elytra might have run out of durability
Golden parrot
Surely not technoblade.
Is this really the technical name or someone has made it up??
This is there in literally every crafting recipe. Instead of a single item, the whole sprite sheet is showing
I literally got a shulker box full of kelp, while removing water from Ocean Monument, and it's not even half done yet.
I was lighting up the ocean monument and found this cursed Kelp floating in the water without any base.
Also, is there a better way to dump the raw cod from the killed guardians apart from just throwing them in the ocean. I got about 10 stacks of those in 1 hour.
Librarian and Cartographer
Preferably fight the wither in the end dimension. End stone is pretty durable and endermen are there as natural distractions for the wither.
Also there is almost no risk of your builds getting destroyed.
I have once tried to fight the wither in a desert and the lag almost got me killed. I got around half a shulker box full of sand.
Also, spawn the wither on an obsidian platform ( 5x5 or bigger). It will prevent a lot of blocks from being broken in the initial explosion.
It took some time and some totems, but it was totally annihilated
My wither Killer faced some "technical difficulties" after a wither broke loose.
I had to use 2 totems to save myself
End exploration
It's not for bedrock. I have tried it and failed
You can try to block spawns using glass or leaves. I am pretty sure that it would work, but you will have to try it
Kill all the villagers, don't allow more than 3 at one place
@SoulKnighter2020 but it was only the third round and no evoker spawned. So Vex is out of question.
But even if it is stuck, what can we do about it?
Even if I go 100-200 blocks and come back, the raid status bar is still there. I have even tried restarting the game many times.
What does it do??