It might be intentional, especially if they only gave Sony permission to use some characters.
Hey, that looks pretty nice!
Also, can you upload all those mods somewhere or something? I wanna try it but don't want to search for each one individually.
I think support for optifabric stopped recently too.
Almost unlimited if you have the money probably.
Idk man deserts are boring irl.
Well, for one, it's not in minecraft itself, I actually extracted the sounds and put them in my production software. From there on I just played the song with the "instruments", and all that. So it's not as impressive as making it purely in minecraft, but I think it's still nice. :)
I found 4 once, just 1 less than you.
Wasn't that you or something?
Mojang Cape
Wait a minute... those look familiar...
It's been awhile since I made a post here, hehehe...
If you really don't mind, use chunckbase. Just type in the seed and it should tell you where it is.
That's for Java though. You can download a premade superflat but after you enter the part that hasn't been generated it generates a normal world.
Idk, I still have notifications on. I'm not as active as before but I do respond to tags and stuff.