If Java can be run on bedrock, why not make minecraft just 1, not bedrock and java?
Survival world when i was scared at mobs, deleted bc a creeper spawned and blew up my 3-high fence
The dimensions are free
Then just trap the villagers in a hole and cycle through the trades by breaking and replacing the lectern
Ikr, but 4 late game not really
24 of potatoes, beetroot, or carrots
Throe them 6 bread/ 24 of each crop except wheat
Well then idk, prob the zombie killed the villagers while you were getting emeralds
Also, is it the ghost town where the villagers are missing or is the that has cobwebs in the blocks and zombie villagers?
How long did it take to get you emeralds
Wha.. wait.... HOW?
Wha.. wait.... HOW?
Maybe your just unlucky before
Uhh yes, that's also what i think
2% in Java
30% (why do common) in Bedrock/Education
I mean i know that they use a different proggraming language(C++ and java script for bedrock and java respectively) but you could just make it 1 game to simplify the game in general (i'm bad at talking sry)
If Java can be run on bedrock, why not make minecraft just 1, not bedrock and java?
Space needle in seattle
Just look the task bar (you'll see an F)
Fate client