I recently got a Zotac Nvidia Geforce GT 730 graphics card for my computer, and my frame rate increased dramatically in Minecraft. Now, I can get up to 200 frames per second!
In that case, I don't see any reason not to merge the wikis.
So, @Zacatero we will still be able to post discussions if the wikis are merged?
Well, I think that the two wikis should merge, but not at the expense of not being able to post discussions directly onto the wiki.
I recently got a Zotac Nvidia Geforce GT 730 graphics card for my computer, and my frame rate increased dramatically in Minecraft. Now, I can get up to 200 frames per second!
Go to http://downloadcenter.intel.com and check if your drivers are up to date. If they aren't, update them. Launch Minecraft again, and if it still won't work, you may need to buy a new graphics card.
Yeah, this is great! It's even more impressive that you made in in survival. Are the designs your own, or did you use someone else's?
Mine's just a big block of oak wood :)
I think that you should make an enchanting table, another pickaxe, and then use the rest on armor.
No, it isn't true.
Well, herobrine isn't in vanilla (unmodded) Minecraft, so what you thought was herobrine was either a glitch, or you mistook a mob to be herobrine.
Yes, Minecraft Earth is being shut down, do to COVID-19. Hopefully, after all of the restrictions because of COVID are removed, Minecraft Earth will be brought back.
Mojang should do the same thing for andesite, diorite, and granite. Also, what do you think the ores will be called, since there will be variants?
I think that you just put a compass surrounded by paper in a crafting table.
No, they will not spawn, but other Nether mobs will.
In that case, I don't know how to fix it.
The skin was made to have three pixel thick arms, so if you tried to apply it to the classic Minecraft avatar model (with four pixel thick arms), then there will be spots without the skin, which will default to either black in the Minecraft launcher, or transparent in a skin editor.
Java Edition is better than Windows 10 edition? But I play Java Edition Minecraft ON a Windows 10 computer . . .
I think that it's because people have been wanting a cave update for so long that they're just impatient, and they want to be able to play with the update as soon as possible. It's like being told by your parents "Remember that puppy that you've wanted for five years? Well, you can get one in two months."
To be honest, I am less active on this wiki than I used to be.
So far, you can't load worlds that were made before snapshot 21w06a (the snapshot that you're talking about), and bedrock just generates 64 blocks lower in worlds that are generated in the snapshot.