Actually Minecraft isn't round but about the Nether, it's true.
Just found this picture on Facebook
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Actually Minecraft isn't round but about the Nether, it's true.
Just found this picture on Facebook
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uPvOtEs DoN't HeLp At AlL
My bad connection so the picture aren't loaded
What about the villagers? Are they're dead?? Or are they're evacuated?
You can freely to use any meme generator
Who vote 13 must commit lava swim :v just kidding
(Can we stop alternatie caps?)
لا, tHeY aRe BlAcK !!!1!1!1!!1
About food, here's the meme i have (not by me)
MasterChef: What food you already make?
Anwar: Sticky rice filled abon with chicken, chef.
MasterChef: Wrapped with banana leaf. Make me wonder...
MasterChef: *laughing* HEY, THIS IS LEMPERRR!!!
Also off-topic
Here's the hack, rename the file format (example.png, rename .png to .jpg or .jpeg, so example.png -> example.jpg or example.jpeg. jpg and jpeg are same meaning) or download the app that convert from png to jpg or vice versa.
@Stellatsu 13 me or who?
Command، 31,97% glitch
Meat is wet because nature (I can't explain)
Ok, just a house aaand wtf the glowstone thing?
Are u using Survival Mode?
To tame it, you'll need Warped Fungus or smth...?