So, yes, Villagers has a big update not too long ago, except they were still left out in some aspects. For example, fighting. Why can’t they fight back when you hit them or when they are being raided? In my opinion I think villagers should have a random stat generator, like what the horses have to determine how fast they go or high they can jump; except it’s determining how willing a villager is to fight and how strong their attack is. Maybe they could act like pigmen so when you hit one they all chase you out of the village. And why not give some villagers pets like wolves or cats? If you are having trouble finding a companion they could have a pet store, maybe? Larger villages would be the next thing on the list. What if you could find pillager fortresses guarded by huge stone walls with a large castle in the center, and you have to break in, defeat them and get all the loot. And if you go to the dungeons you could find villager prisoners that you help escape back to a village for a large sum of emeralds or extremely cheap, or free trades.
I’d love the idea of just random farmhouses or shops strewn about the map. Just for fun they should add villager battlefields.
Just some ideas.