So as you probably know, I’m making a extravagant house in survival, I’ve finally found out the flooring of my living room, now I want some suggestions on other stuff to add, especially to the walls.
@TheBigBoi1113 Not a bad idea for the bathroom
Which carpet design is the best
@Diimentiio I will put up a sign with your name somewhere in my build, thank you 😊
@Diimentiio Not a bad idea, what type of plants and where?
So as you probably know, I’m making a extravagant house in survival, I’ve finally found out the flooring of my living room, now I want some suggestions on other stuff to add, especially to the walls.
@NightmareHunters Trust me, if you want to test your weapon vs. mine, I have a PvP arena world, you can get your weapon, whatever enchants you want, and I’ll get a trident with my enchants. We’ll see who wins😉
Trident, it’s the most versatile and powerful
Update on designs
@1SubnauticaAddict1 That’s good and classic, but I want something different.
I need some advice on my living room in my survival mansion I’m building. I’m building a house on a straight survival world, and I’m going all out, but I really don’t know what floor I should use for the living room. I know I want to use carpet and wool, just not which color I should use. Any type of flooring suggestions would work, but I’m looking for a carpet color.
@Paris Thompson Hello, do I know you?
@Argov thx, I modeled it a little after the kitchen in my house, except I made it a lot nicer. It was actually very easy, even though it’s in survival.
@AmongUs7980898872 Glad to help
@AmongUs7980898872 Refer to rule one of the challenge. You’re confusing me saying don’t kill passive mobs with don’t eat. You cannot eat meat in this challenge, and you cannot kill passive mobs. You can kill aggressive mobs, but you cannot eat them.
@AmongUs7980898872 This is the vegan challenge, a vegan is someone who doesn’t eat animals, or use animal related products. You can kill hoglins, but you can’t eat their meat.
@AmongUs7980898872 No, you cannot eat any form of meat.
@AmongUs7980898872 That misses the whole point but ok😂
@AmongUs7980898872 HaHa no
@IonianOrder No one ever said a challenge absolutely has to be difficult. It can just be a slight annoyance. Honestly, I only did it for fun because me and my friends were on an island with barely any animals, so I just ended up eating dried kelp, I made a joke, and then that’s just what I did the whole time we were on that world. I just wanted to share something that gave me a good fun time with my friends.