If you name your world Com or Con, it will appear as _Com_ or _Con_. I'm not sure why that happens, but are those invalid names? Also, it doesn't matter if it is case-sensitive, it's basically works the same too. Same with Prn.
@Frenchfriz22GBD When I was about to name my Minecraft World "Computer" I ran across this name, and it scratched my head, so I posted it to see if it's a bug or not.
It's weird though. I'm guessing Con means a reserved folder name for Windows?
Oh, it has u in it?
If you name your world Com or Con, it will appear as _Com_ or _Con_. I'm not sure why that happens, but are those invalid names? Also, it doesn't matter if it is case-sensitive, it's basically works the same too. Same with Prn.
Be wary, it may not last long.
A weird creeper?
What's a hitbox?
It's blue instead of sky blue.
/gamerule doMobSpawning false
Okay but are there like "commands" you can use so mobs never spawn
I wil use those last 2 methods
Somebody please help, I am so annoyed of bats. When those appear then I will immediately quit Minecraft and never want to see this nightmare again... How do I remove bats in minecraft?