Credit for both goes to Naps the Block on Youtube
Bedrock is still in 1.16.201-
There isn't much of a point of having two wikis (to me)
I know but it still sounds really good
Credit for both goes to Naps the Block on Youtube
I'm sure the Egg thinks that Tommy's death was pog so him being dead is fine with me
Well that kinda ruins the point of full on survival
Probably beyond Dream luck-
Short answer - no idea.
Long answer - depends on luck. According to the official wiki, it takes an average of 15 gold ingots to get ender pearls, so you could get from 4-8 However, if SOMEHOW you could get that 2.18% chance EVERY TIME, you could get 60-120. EXTREMELY unlikely though.
Copper would look good with a nether style build - might have to keep it in the Overworld though. Maybe something underground - I have a minor obsession with underground cave-like builds. Ooh, maybe a potion brewery!
I usually get outnumbered by piglins, even with a shield
Pfft same- I was terrified of survival (creeper scared the *beep* outta me when I was 5) until a few years ago
Find some piglins, get some gold, and trade. you can get fire res pots from piglins - kinda hard to get though
s u s
I have yet to find a working shader for 1.16 Bedrock Edition
You can use 'em if you like - all pictures are taken on the Bedrock Edition seed -1612385161 in v1.16.201
The ravine also comes with a day version if you like it better
Wow that'slucky-
Hm... I'd lure 'em into the Nether and let the lava deal with 'em
This time, however, I didn't
I don't know why but this makes me nervous
Not only is the portal on AN ISLAND, but it's Crimson.
I shouldn't be panicking
Holy frick that's awesome-