Wow! You made that mountain?
Okay, then what about you go to YouTube and search cave and cliffs update with new cave sounds. Go and check it out now.
If you guys afraid of cave sounds, then why you guys want a cave update like 1.17?
I'm just kidding. SIKE! You just got pranked! XD
I don't care, I just want to hate Fortnite. And I'm not the only one who hates Fortnite, my friends in other fandom they hate Fortnite too...
You better watch your mouth. Never mess with Minecraft! Minecraft is the best. And Fortnite is sucks. >:(
I have no idea what are you talking about. The cloud is fine, I'm using the shader, shader are like that.
I know.
Oh dear.
Yeah, I mean ore.
78 Votes in Poll
Wow, that is so big! :O