Farmlands? İt should be cow bruh
Sherlock Holmes
İts 2 block sized enderman or netherite armor zombie maybe just block
Can i build this game or allready builded?
Good idea
He said you dont know anything not you
İ am not talking with you @bigboysruletheworld
Put it wont drop
İ remember magnet block (its not lodestone)
İt can pull or push blocks but i cant find any information about him
İ played minecraft clasic in relase time and i am veteran and u said u dont know anything lol
İ found 3 Netherite in chest in nether
Me? İ dont want know grammar who need grammar lol
Bedrock trash can
İ know but all trees are same its only color
3 stack god apple
And 1 stack netherite funny
Wh why raid is purple like dragon?? İts should be red is it bedrock feature?
Picaxe requried its very easy to break with hands like presure plate but if youuse fists they wont drop
Seed perfect but 5 emerald for sapling is lol
Sorry but i cant find more animals and autuminty only have snail but looking like good thanks u can link more animals?
İ want a lot of plants and animals