You don’t need a table. It’s 1:3. You can just craft them as you collect.
Though it’s actually cheaper to craft them out of bonemeal than raw bones.
Yea I agree with you.
That makes no sense
Ok no they make and are made of boneMEAL.
That’s a thing.
They are actually separate games with the same base name and concept.
Don’t forget the Bedrock Bridging. You don’t have to look at the front side of the block, you just have to aim the cursor at the empty space in front of the last block placed.
I think that would actually class as a texture or a resource pack, not a mod.
Ok yea, I just looked up the loot tables for a bonus chest, and gapples can’t be obtained from them in any version.
I don’t know about the starter chest. The first comment said all chests have random things when that’s not entirely the case.
And here I am getting fish, wood, and cactus. Also, I’m pretty sure the above comment isn’t entirely true. Different types of loot chests (ones from separate structures) won’t have the same loot chances. You’re not going to get End City or Bastion loot from a village, temple, or mineshaft.
The literal only one I know cause the Dream SMP is some sh*t I do NOT want to have to bother watching:
“You just saw me as The Blade, Tommy” -Techno
So elaborate on what you mean by this. Do you want to be able to get coral from fishing, or underwater ruins, or cocoa beans and saplings from jungle temples?
You could put that on a ton of stuff, Jesus.
I did play back toward its younger days, when I didn’t quite have any clue on how to play the game really, and never really focused on it, until I got the Switch version in 18, and then got the bedrock version sometime later. As a clue as to when I first played it, I had the disk version on Xbox, and one thing I remember is that iron Golems didn’t exist in that version, and I’m pretty sure I attempted to make a nether portal, and that also failed.
Enderman in a suit is where it’s at
Ok. Obviously I don’t understand what a loot table is. Could you explain for me please?
It’s the easier route. But it’s not the INTENDED route. It’s the faster, more efficient method, but where’s the fun in that?
What do those items have to do with loot tables?