I'd like to see the end updated
I thought it was a mod
I still say keep them separate
You should keep the two separate. If you merge the two then someone will probably make the fandom again
Why are we going to merge the two anyway?
Some people might prefer one website to the other. I think people should be given a choice
Creper a man
That would be murder
A very angry bush
Who cares?
This is like game theory but less professional
If elytra are the wings of dead phantoms then it would have to have come from a different species that is now extinct. The extinct species would have had to have killed phantoms for my theory to work
Maybe the membrane reawakens the regenerating posses of the elytra if is the wings of a dead phantom
It might be being increased but not by much
It's like it comes from a coloring in book
The top one makes my head hurt
Just carpet bomb them, if it's a hoard