69 Votes in Poll
This is the best of the three, the second incarnation was the second best, and the first I liked, but it didn't look like iron. Hopefully they stay with this one. I think it is like the second incarnation, but it has like random pieces of stone kinda cutting through some of the exposed iron ore parts in the stone.
Not all the caves are going to look like this. I'm pretty sure this is the cheese caves or whatever. I personally like the big caverns, because I'm pretty sure there are big caverns like that.
Why can't people just except change? Changed happens all the time, you are never ever going to get away from it. Why can't people just enjoy the changes that Mojang makes? Yes, while some changes are, well, interesting (like the bat), Minecraft needs these changes to stay strong. If you play a game that never got updated, would you guys still play it after a few years? Probably not. So, just enjoy the changes Minecraft has gotten.
69 Votes in Poll
The devs said something about not being able to build up or hide in a little space and fight the Warden, so, yeah.
Forget about the contrast thing, but the darker color making the other color pop out more it true.
@E008876 It is just the way the colors contrast with each other. They didn't change the color, it is just that the darker color makes the ore's color pop out more.
Why do people like comparing ores to foods? It's kinda weird. Also, if you are talking about emeralds looking like peas, then they have always looked like that. The nuggets ore (get what I did there) whatever they are have always been shaped like peas. So, don't think the update ruined emerald, because they've always had that shape.
I like that they changed the iron. It looks more like iron ore now. I wish they kept the Nether gold texture to keep every ore variant the same. But, I guess the Nether is unique, so I could see why they changed it. The Emerald ore looks about the same, just a little bigger chunks and stuff. So, I rate the ores a 9/10, because of the gold ore being inconsistent.
It doesn't say that in the description. You don't have to be rude about me telling him what it actually was. I thought that maybe he hasn't played Minecraft in a long while.
@KILLOOBY That's a Ruined Portal. You know, a Nether Portal.
I like the new ores. It makes more sense then having all the same looking ores, but with different colors.
The grimstone is under y0 though, so at least you can mine just normal stone. For me, grimstone is important on making the Deep Dark the Deep Dark.
@Entity of randomness what do you mean?
Are you talking about a movie or the American Westward Expansion?
I meant like wooden carts and wagons. Just hook it up to your horse, donkey, or mule and away you go! This would actually benefit many players because then you don't have to get hundreds of iron just to make tracks and a minecart to go someplace. Plus, a wagon and cart can hold more then a donkey, because they are bigger. With the cart, you'd have to ride the horse/donkey/mule, but with a wagon, there would be a seat because it is a wagon. The wagon would take more wood, but it would carry up to 4-6 chests of goods and/or other stuff. You could also fit an animal or two in it so you don't have to use leads to pull an animal from one place to the other.
What Minecraft does need are carts and wagons. I'm pretty sure wagons and carts wouldn't hurt Minecraft. In real life, back then, that is how you hulled stuff around.
@TheOGweirdo Yes. It's a nice change.
@Mistyguest101 it does. I personally think the ores needed a change anyway. They were a little outdated to the rest of Minecraft.