Axolotl + Poison = Snake
Boom, did it.
this was literally a couple of months ago.
they need to make a color blind option that tells you what block it is with a label
if they removed iron, im about to go insane
I doubt its real
how are you gonna get closer without ur game "crashing" lol
Geo-Dash gang rise up yaya
i dont think its fair for anyone to vote because they dont know the other
atleast watch a speedrunning vid to get a quick idea
Structure Idea: Heaven
you do realize that zy beat minecraft in 14m right
you genuinely voted dream, even when he cheated
you cannot vote if you dont know
bias much
watch one of his speedrunning vids
hes rlly underrated
*cough* dream
i bet you $100 that the people who voted dream dont know who zylenox is
zylenox beat minecraft in like 14:26 i think
cool bfdi/bfb thingy
but ok
they look so happy yaya
I'm being sarcastic, and I've never seen Toby Fox copyright strike anyone.
Yeah, that would e cool.