DADEJ·2/19/2021in PollDo you think the jungle a very boring biome in Minecraft deserves an update Yes No Vote71 Votes in PollBiomesJungle Biome/Gallery
DADEJ·2/18/2021in PollWhat Confirmed caves and cliffs mob are you most excited about Warden Axolotl Goats Glow squid Vote108 Votes in Poll1.17 - Caves and Cliffs
DADEJ·2/18/2021in PollWhat update do you want The wilderness update The jungle update The Feathery update The safari update The mineral update Other Vote87 Votes in Poll(Edited by DADEJ)MobsUpdatesPotionsVillagerWither RoseEnchantmentsNether Portal1.17 - Caves and CliffsWardenAxolotl