Imo, endermen. You could be looking at one without any knowledge of doing so. And then you hear this blood-curdling screech and- look. I hate them. At least they are immune to water. That’s why you always keep a bucket on you.
I wish I could access other MC servers on console
If it’s a normal zombie, then I would quickly craft a stone sword and beat em up but if it’s a c h i l d then I will run and hit it so it doesn’t get me
*cough cough* warden *cough cough*
Also, you can actually turn off cave noises by turning down ambience noises in the audio settings
Set up a battle arena and have someone else battle you in it! But here’s the catch- you both get like fifteen or something minutes in creative and you have to get armor, bow and arrow, sword, etc and enchant them as much as you can. Once the timer is up, you have to battle the other person. Whoever survives wins!
I think it’s kind of cheating but I do it too
5 year olds when they see a helicopter
This looks freaking sick
Not just you, I’m scared of the freaking mobs
I personally like Lifeboat.
Maybe a boombox?
A squid that ate a glow stick serioUSLY GUYS STOP POLLUTING THE F***ING OCEANS
Stal, Cat, and Pigstep are bops.
A flower
(no seriously doesn’t it look like that?
A fetus T-Posing
Granted or something