I beat the ender dragon and decided to venture to the outer end islands, i was bridging to another huge island and an enderman that i provoked a while ago knocked me off the bridge and into the void. ;-; rip my full set of prop 4 netherite armor.
Its like an enderman mixed with a player but 1000 times more annoying.
Does the miner headband work like a headlamp?
I got loyalty 3 for 9, mending is definitely worth it
Whenever i hear hissing, i look around nervously
I used to fear creepers in the overworld so i feel safe in the end and the nether, but now only the nether is safe for me
This is because he took a break from speedrunning
Fortune 3 is a good option when mining your first diamonds
Nether variants of miners, persons, spiders and creepers!!!
The end will soon be like the nether bcos adding more biomes like the nether
You actually make good ideas, if this was a feature you shud get all the credit.
This is actually something that sounds like a near future update, did you come up with the idea and retexture?
Ender brute = End iron golem
Elleger = End villager
If you can zombify it and cure it with splash potion of weakness and a g apple, it would reduce the price by 45% therefore making it cheaper and you get more profit from your friends
So basically, it is a wither skeleton but lives in caves in the overworld
I got knocked off the edge by a hoglin into the sea of lava and lost all my enchanted diamond gear
Creepers be runnin for the hills when you stroll near
I hope there will be an end update and one of the future end island biomes will have this mob
I beat the ender dragon and decided to venture to the outer end islands, i was bridging to another huge island and an enderman that i provoked a while ago knocked me off the bridge and into the void. ;-; rip my full set of prop 4 netherite armor.