So I'm in the middle of a playthrough where I'm playing in a Single Biome Ice Spike world. I know that sugar cane spawns in Ice Spikes, but rarely, is there another method for obtaining paper that I forgot about. Thanks!
I mean even though I'm a Java player, and I don't understand why people play Bedrock over Java if they have a choice, but if you like Bedrock, more power to you. I don't understand why some people cannot just let other people who play the same game as them but on a different platform play the game. The toxicity is just so unneeded.
Did you make this? Bc if so, this is so cool!
Maybe it keeps the flaming bow and arrow, but instead of shooting like every 3 seconds like a normal skeleton does, it shoots once every five seconds, to makeup for it not burning and have fire arrows.
I like how complex it is compared to other mob suggestions. I also like how you have to progressively work for it to be tamed. Unlike with other tamable animals, in which you just spam some bones at a dog and that's it. The pets and taming in this game aren't very good and this is a step in the right direction.
This seems like a very difficult fight so if you are stumbling through the desert with iron armor, you are pretty much dead. I feel like you should have to summon it, like other powerful mobs. (Wither, Edrag, Ravager, etc.)
That, to me, just seems like a skeleton but way more intimidating. I feel like mobs should have a distinct counter. (Ex. Zombie = very slow, enderman = water/2block high hole in wall, creeper = shield). I know a shield would also defend against this one but it would be cool if there was another counter.
Maybe the build battle between Dream and Tommy & Tubbo (with Tubbo throwing the musicdiscs off)
Nice job!
So I'm in the middle of a playthrough where I'm playing in a Single Biome Ice Spike world. I know that sugar cane spawns in Ice Spikes, but rarely, is there another method for obtaining paper that I forgot about. Thanks!
Also, I was the real first subscriber. Can you all give me some attention on the internet?
@Syntax7777 You can't subscribe to yourself on your main account, but he might have another email address, and therefore, Youtube account, and subscribe to himself from his other account. I know that I have done that...
I like the idea, but I feel like more MC mobs need a unique ability or attribute that only they can do. I feel like there are enough spider/skeleton/zombie variants in the game already and if this had a unique ability beyond Slow II this could be really cool. Maybe if you looked at it, it would "freeze" but when aren't looking, it moves like 1.5x the speed of other zombies. Sort of like a weeping angel but more MC based.
Most likely his mother tbh. or maybe his other account.
Maybe it could be a "nether warden" in a way where if you crouch walk/crawl, it won't see you, but if you walk/run/jump/break a block/make a loud sound of any kind, it can see you and attack until you crouch walk away again. Maybe it drops gold that it was hoarding and maybe a small chance of netherite scrap.
I think that since the bee update was so underwhelming that adding maybe a use for nether bees could make them more interesting. Maybe they could have a cool ability or unique attribute. (Maybe they all swarm a enemy such as a piglin/hoglin and are immune to fire?) Cool idea, though!
Cool idea, but a few counter points.
Bastions are supposed to be ruled by the piglin clan so unless he is secretly a pig...
How would the transformation into a warden work? Wardens are pretty big and the two aren't related in obvious ways.
What is the knight's unique ability or attribute? (ex. Warden's sound sens, piglin's intelligence & bartering, enderman's look making it angry. What would he drop, what incentive would you have to fight him. (Maybe rare drops, high damage. Maybe a mercenary mechanic where you can buy him for a bunch of gold and he will fight for you?)
You need to have a diamond pickaxe and a netherite ingot, and smithing table. Put the dpick in the first slot, netherite ingot in the second, and it should upgrade.
I made a pretty good "point" too.
I mean those are pretty good names.
Put in a boat ASAP so it doesn't despawn. Just in case.