:) I hope you guys r ok
Heh he be colored
@SirFluffyBoy At first I honestly thought that your pfp was Bellasaurus. LOL
That Skele go Brrr
Dxfcgvhbjnkm EPICCCC
:) I hope you guys r ok
That means This is my langue I have to do this for an hour a day
Kore wa watashi no gengodesu...
Yatte mimasu!
E e watashi wa shojiki ni kofun shite imasu watashi wa mainkurafuto ga nandearu ka o shitte imasu
Haha! Watashi was mada kore o shimasu <3
Watashi wa anata no mabairu otokoda to omoimasu
Nani mo omoitsukimasen
Also Kgamez can you like please stop saying that this is better, and pretty much hating on Dream Fan..?
It would look like this
Yeah that's cool
I really like pigs in minecraft, so it would be cool if pigs could get muddy, and have a little flower on top of their heads!