The ender dragon actually wins. Try spawning both of them in a box made of bedrock. The wither barely does any damage.
I don’t see the problem XD
They’re faster than players when swimming, so I don’t think it needs to be changed.
Edit: And besides, polar bears only swim at 6mph irl
I’m glad that they’re adding ore textures so colorblind people can distinguish them, and they look pretty nice (except iron), but I’m obviously going to miss the old ores
It isn’t the most exciting thing in this update lol
Chest plate, leggings, and if you don’t have one already, an enchantment table
Why do more people think Wither?
It would be cool to see them in the basalt deltas in the nether
Ikr, people are just posting like “NEW PFP!!!” even though I don’t have a clue who they are
You can play minecraft dungeons on mobile, but only on Samsung devices
Fun fact: now people know your birthday
You can go back to the Overworld but if you can’t find your nether portal, try to find a ruined one and sometimes piglins can give you obsidian if you give them gold
Have potions of slow falling because the dragon can knock you up in the air and you can die of fall damage if you don’t water bucket. Make sure you bring a bow and a lot of arrows (maybe a stack or 2) and if you don’t want to anger enderman, bring a pumpkin head. I would also recommend some golden apples and a water bucket (since enderman are weak to water).
A toilet
Baby also means: comparatively small or immature of its kind.
So it is fitting but you can call it whatever you want
It’s great for starting out, but since it’s not automatic I usually use a furnace for large amounts of food
Where’s the no option