Uhh, like it or not, there’s gonna be a warden.
Tbh I don’t think that we should have enderite. I do agree that it would be pretty cool, definitely, but then It would just kinda take netherite’s place. Netherite was added last year, so I think that we should keep it around for longer as the best material instead of adding a new ore two updates in a row. This is just my opinion, feel free to disagree.
It’s a creeper. I think.
Maybe the redstone eel would be a good way to mix water with redstone, like it could give off a redstone signal when it’s within a 5 block radius of any redstone component. (Wow I just said redstone 5 times.)
If it’s a mod then how is it an update.
What about the 1.18 pets update? You can now tame a fish, and dogs have different colors and breeds instead of just a normal white dog! Or maybe the 1.18 flower update?!?!? Idek. In reality though, I am looking forward to the end update.
I do, but it’s a really cheap crappy computer, I don’t have a mouse, and even if I was going to spend all the time to set it up, it would probably be pretty hard to get used to.
Oh wait I left one out
I don’t play on pc I play on an IPad but I wish I could play on pc.
My favorite biomes (in order) are the mushroom island, then jungle, then crimson forest.
Cool. I actually once did that before about a week ago and tried to prank my sister. It didn’t work well because of my name tag, though.
I made a house because that’s the first thing I thought of.
The floor is made out of soul sand.
(I edited this comment because it doesn’t make sense anymore please ignore this.)
Hey can you tag me?
The’re just kinda annoying.
I use 74.80, because that’s just what I’m used to.
The one I have is also a screenshot.
Here’s one: