The main menu for Minecraft 1.0.0.
1.0.0 (also referred to as the second-half of The Adventure Update) was a major Minecraft update, released on November 18, 2011 (during MineCon 2011) at 21:54:50 UTC. It is also considered as the official first release of Minecraft: Java Edition. This update added brewing, enchantments, The End, hardcore mode, breeding, and more.
Java Edition version history |
◄ Beta 1.8 • 1.0 • 1.1 ► |
The following is a list of 1.0.0 snapshots and pre-releases: Beta 1.9-pre1, Beta 1.9-pre2, Beta 1.9-pre3, Beta 1.9-pre4, Beta 1.9-pre5, Beta 1.9-pre6, 1.0.0-RC1, and 1.0.0-RC2.
- Hardcore mode – locks the difficulty to Hard and forces the user to delete the world's save data upon death. The health bar is changed slightly in appearance as well.
- Status Effects – inflict positive or negative effects on players and mobs. Two properties exist: strength (boosts effects) and duration (controls the time of the effect).
- Item Repair – Two of the same tools/weapons that are damaged, will create one repaired tool/weapon when crafted together.
- Brewing
- Enchanting
- Breeding – Wheat attracts and feeds animals. When fed, animals enter "love mode", and will produce baby animals.
- End Poem/Credits – appears after entering the End portal in The End.
World generation[]
- The End – a new dimension that exists in place of the Sky Dimension, and hosts an ender dragon boss fight that leads to the player unlocking the End Credits.
- Mushroom Island Biome – a very rare biome with naturally generated Huge Mushrooms. Spawns mooshrooms.
- Nether Fortress
- End Portal – a portal to The End dimension that generates in strongholds. It requires at most, 12 Eyes of Ender to activate.
Blocks and Items[]
- Ghast Tear
- Blaze Rod
- Nether Wart
- Gold Nugget
- Glass Bottle
- Potions
- Splash Potions
- Spider Eye
- Fermented Spider Eye
- Blaze Powder
- Magma Cream
- Glistering Melon
- Eye of Ender
- 9 new Music Discs
- Brewing Stand – used for brewing
- Enchantment Table – used for enchanting tools and books
- Nether Bricks
- Nether Brick Fence
- Nether Brick Stairs
- End Portal Frame
- End Stone
- Dragon Egg
- Ender Dragon – a boss mob that spawns only once in The End.
- Mooshroom
- Villager – a passive NPC mob that spawns in Villages
- Snow Golem
- Magma Cube
- Blaze
can now set the damage value of the wanted item.
- Experience – a score system that can be used for enchantments. Each XP Orb is worth one Score Point.
- New achievements.
- Death tweaked – the amount of XP orbs dropped by players on death is now limited. A proper score is also given based on how many XP orbs players have collected.
- Armor system is new and improved, with increased armor durability.
- Pressing F5 toggles between three states: first person, third person back, and third person front.
- Slight delay between jumps when holding down the jump button. Also, players no longer bounce between ceiling and floor in two-block-high places.
- Blocking now has a new, proper animation.
- Sun and moon now rise in the east. The moon also has phases
- New sound for rain.
World generation[]
- Swamp Biome now appears "swampier" with darker Grass, darker water and lily pads that generate.
- Strongholds now generate with random loot chests.
Blocks and Items[]
- Labels for tooltips have a blue border.
- Bow appears larger in third person view when held, have 385 uses, and additional sounds.
- New sounds for doors, added sounds for shears.
- New textures for Block of Iron, Ghast Fireball, and Mob Spawner.
- Glowstone material type changed from "glass" to "stone". A pickaxe is now needed to drop items and certain items like torches can be placed on it as a result of this change.
- Water and Lava above a ceiling that is a single block thick will produce particles.
- Lava no longer flows through water; now it creates Stone.
- Ender Pearls are throwable and will teleport a player to the impact location. However, it will take 2.5 hearts of fall damage.
- Cannot be thrown in Creative Mode.
- Golden Apple now glows purple in the inventory.
- Fences now connect to solid blocks and no longer block players from moving onto their space.
- Tool breaking sounds.
- Attack damage is nerfed to make space for the increased damage enchantments.
- Many blocks' mining speeds have been increased:
- Minecarts now have sounds.
- Sheep now have 8 (
- Ghasts now have 10 (
- Zombies now have 20 (
x 10) and 2 (
- Endermen are now limited in which blocks they can pick up. Also added new sounds for the mob.
- Improved walking sounds for the Skeleton.
- Big slimes (size +4 slimes) have deeper jump sounds.
- New sounds for Silverfish.
- Ghast fireball texture changed.
1.0.1 was a server update released on November 24, 2011 to fix some bugs and crashes in 1.0.0. As it is a server-only update, 1.0.0 remained the current client version.