This article or section contains information exclusive to Minecraft: Education Edition a version of Minecraft specifically for use in classrooms. The content herein may not be available/accessible in other versions of Minecraft.
The agent is used in conjunction with Code Connection for Minecraft, and is programmable by a visual ScratchX interface. They are 1 of the 2 mobs exclusive to the Education Edition, the other being the NPC.
The agent carries its own 27-item inventory which can be manipulated by commands the player programs it to use or edited directly by a GUI that the player can access in-game.
The visual interface allows the player to drag and drop commands, structural constructs and other components into a sequence, and associate the sequence with a custom-named slash command which can be executed from the console.
Agent Commands[]
move <direction>
turn <turnDirection>
attack <direction>
destroy <direction>
drop <int:slotNum> <int:quantity> <direction>
dropall <direction>
inspect <direction>
inspectdata <direction>
detect <direction>
detectredstone <direction>
transfer <int:srcSlotNum> <int:quantity> <int:dstSlotNum>
collect <string:item>
till <direction>
place <int:slotNum> <direction>
getitemcount <int:slotNum>
getitemspace <int:slotNum>
getitemdetail <int:slotNum>
refers toforward|back|left|right|up|down
refers toleft|right
- The agent looks a lot like a mini iron golem.
- When touching the code key(C) the Agent will immediately appear, with purple particles around it making quite an 'unnerving' sound, much like an Enderman would do after teleporting.
- The Agent will be called <playername>'s Agent when spawned by player.