Minecraft Wiki

A baby piglin riding a baby hoglin.

Baby mobs are the offspring of an adult mob. They share the same entity texture as an adult mob, but have smaller bodies. Some baby mobs have big heads and small bodies.The following mobs can have a baby variant:


Babies of cows, sheep, and chickens follow any nearby entity match. They also run a lot faster than their parents. All babies obtained by breeding take approximately 20 minutes to grow into adults. Animals can be re-bred after 5 minutes.


Different baby mobs eat different kinds of food, but hostile mobs can't be fed. Feeding food to baby mobs can boost their growing process, which is indicated by the green particles that appear when feeding them. The following mobs can be fed:

Mobs in Minecraft
Passive Mobs
BatFace Bat OcelotFace Cat ChickenFace Chicken CowFace Cow
CodBody Fish (various) Link=Fox Fox Glow Squid Face Glow Squid HorseHead Horse
MooshroomFace Mooshroom BrownMooshroomFace Brown Mooshroom OcelotFace Ocelot ParrotFaceParrot
PigFace Pig Big-rabbit-face Rabbit SheepFace Sheep Snowgolemhead Snow Golem
Squidface Squid StriderFace Strider TurtleFaceTurtle Villagerhead Villager
WanderingTraderFace Wandering Trader
Neutral Mobs
AxolotlFace Axolotl BeeFace Bee DolphinHead Dolphin EndermanFace Enderman
GoatFace Goat Vg face Iron Golem Big-llama-face Llama Panda FaceZ Panda
PiglinFace Piglin PolarBearFace Polar Bear SpiderFace Spider CaveSpiderFace Cave Spider
BetterWolfFace Wolf ZombifiedPiglinFace Zombified Piglin
Hostile Mobs
Blaze Face Blaze CreeperFace Creeper Drownedheaad Drowned Enderdragon Face Ender Dragon
EndermiteFace Endermite EvokerFace Evoker Link=Evoker Fang Evoker Fang GhastFace Ghast
Link=Guardian Guardian Big-elder-guardian-face Elder Guardian Hoglin faceHoglin HuskFace Husk
Magma Cube Face Magma Cube PhantomFace Phantom PiglinBruteFace Piglin Brute PillagerFace Pillager
RavagerFace Ravager Big-shulker-face Shulker SilverfishFace Silverfish SkeletonFace Skeleton
SlimeFace Slime Spider SkeletonFace Spider Jockey StrayFace Stray VexFace Vex
VindicatorFace Vindicator Warden Face Warden 50px-WitchFace Witch Wither face Wither
WitherSkeletonHead Wither Skeleton Spider WitherSkeleton Wither Skeleton Jockey ZoglinFaceZoglin ZombieFace Zombie
ZombieVillagerFace Zombie Villager