1.2.1 was an update to Minecraft: Java Edition that was released on March 1, 2012.[1] It added a new height limit as a result of the anvil file format, zombie sieges and generated features such as Jungle Biomes, wooden bridges in Abandoned Mineshafts, and Desert Wells. It also added new blocks and items (the Bottle o' Enchanting, Redstone Lamp, Fire Charge, and Chiseled Stone Bricks) and two new mobs: Iron Golems and Ocelots.
Java Edition version history |
◄ 1.1 • 1.2.1 • 1.3.1 ► |
- Chiseled Stone Bricks – only available in Creative Mode.
- Redstone Lamp – gives off a light level of 15 only when it is powered.
- Jungle Log, Jungle Sapling, and Jungle Leaves.
- New textures for Sandstone variant, although they're not in-game.
- Bottle o' Enchanting – only available in Creative Mode, spawns Experience Orbs.
- Fire Charge – produces fire when used, can be fired from dispensers, and can be used as a substitute for Flint and Steel.
- 2 new mobs
- Iron Golem – occasionally spawns in Villages, defending Villagers against Zombies and other hostile mobs. They can be spawned by placing 4 Iron Blocks and Pumpkins in a specific pattern.
- Ocelot – can be tamed using Fish as Cats, and can scare off Creepers.
- Jungle Biome – a very dense, but rather uncommon biome featuring large jungle trees that can reach up to 31 blocks tall with 2×2 thick trunks. Oak trees are also common. Leaves cover much of the forest floor.
- Desert Wells
- Abandoned Mineshafts generated with wooden bridges in midair portions.
- Sieges – will occur occasionally at night in villages.
- Worlds created prior to 1.2 will say the message, Must be converted!

An Iron Golem inside a player made structure.
Subsequent Updates[]
There were four other updates that followed 1.2.1, adding features, and fixing bugs.
Released on March 1, 2012 as a bug fix update.[1]
Released on March 2, 2012 as a bug fix update.[2]
Released on March 22, 2012 as a feature update. It added new Wood Planks (oak, birch, spruce, and jungle), Sandstone blocks, and improved chat editing.[3]
Released on April 4, 2012 as a feature and bugfix update:[4]
- Added shift-clicking support in furnaces.
- Improved the functionality of the "Pick Block" key.
- The "Direct Connect" dialog in the Multiplayer menu now remembers the last IP for the current session.
- Cats are less eager to sit on things, and are less patient.
- Fixed several bugs.
- Fixed ⌘ Cmd+Q shortcut not quitting the app on OS X.
- Fixed potential issue with village door detection (which could cause too many villagers to spawn).
- Fixed not being able to click colored links.
- Fixed command matching being too greedy (e.g. typing
no longer stops a server). - Fixed the / key not behaving correctly.
- Fixed ghost entities in Multiplayer.
- Fixed crash when pasting certain characters in chat.
- Fixed ⌘ Cmd+Q not quitting the game on macOS.
- Fixed issues turning off sound under certain circumstances.
- Fixed world generation failing under certain circumstances.
- Fixed various chat crashes.
- Fixed wild ocelots behaving like tamed cats.
- Fixed issues detected certain links in chat.