Minecraft Wiki

There was a spam link on this page linking to http://news4minecraft.blogspot.com/, which, in turn, linked to http://sharecash.org/r/downloadpage/download.php?file=2478621 and http://sharecash.org/r/downloadpage/download.php?file=2478622 to convince people to download a file of "hacked" usernames to see if their username was present.

The link text on this site urged people to check to see if their minecraft username was hacked.

A quick google search showed no serious minecraft hacks off hand, and the MD5 checksums reported by both "lists of usernames" of hacked accounts were the same. This cryptographically ensures that the two files are the same (even though I have not downloaded them).

The scam was to convince people to "complete a survey" to "automatically download" the files. This is obviously playing on people's ignorance or incompetence in order to make quick money by link farming.

Anyways, I took down the link, and if anyone has any issue with that, they can add it back. Hopefully this site doesn't die due to the tragedy of the commons, but I wouldn't be surprised if my efforts were in vain...

