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Data Values refer to the different types of blocks, items, and other features in Minecraft and are used in many places. Block IDs are used to define blocks placed in the world. Item IDs are valid only for items (including items in chests and items dropped in the world). Most blocks also have valid item IDs, unless otherwise noted. Entity IDs are used for entities such as mobs and projectiles.


 c  Requires additional data to define color
 B Requires additional data to define a property


The following IDs are included with their minecraft namespace, although the game accepts these IDs with or without the minecraft: prefix.

Blocks and Items[]

The following table is a list of every block and item ID in the Java Edition of Minecraft.

Number Block/Item Name ID
0 Air Air minecraft:air
1 StoneNew Stone minecraft:stone
1:1 GraniteNew Granite minecraft:stone
1:2 PolishedGraniteNew Polished Granite minecraft:stone
1:3 DioriteNew Diorite minecraft:stone
1:4 Polished Diorite Polished Diorite minecraft:stone
1:5 AndesiteNew Andesite minecraft:stone
1:6 PolishedAndesiteNew Polished Andesite minecraft:stone
2 GrassNew Grass minecraft:grass
3 Dirt Dirt minecraft:dirt
3:1 Coarse Dirt Coarse Dirt minecraft:dirt
3:2 PodzolNew Podzol minecraft:dirt
4 CobblestoneNew Cobblestone minecraft:cobblestone
5 OakWoodPlank Oak Wood Plank minecraft:planks
5:1 SprucekWoodPlank Spruce Wood Plank minecraft:planks
5:2 BirchWoodPlank Birch Wood Plank minecraft:planks
5:3 JungleWoodPlank Jungle Wood Plank minecraft:planks
5:4 AcaciaWoodPlank Acacia Wood Plank minecraft:planks
5:5 DarkOakWoodPlank Dark Oak Wood Plank minecraft:planks
6 OakSapling Oak Sapling minecraft:sapling
6:1 SpruceSapling Spruce Sapling minecraft:sapling
6:2 BirchSapling Birch Sapling minecraft:sapling
6:3 JungleSapling Jungle Sapling minecraft:sapling
6:4 AcaciaSapling Acacia Sapling minecraft:sapling
6:5 DarkOakSapling Dark Oak Sapling minecraft:sapling
7 BedrockNew Bedrock minecraft:bedrock
8 Water Flowing Water minecraft:flowing_water
9 Water Still Water minecraft:water
10 LavaCurrent Flowing Lava minecraft:flowing_lava
11 LavaCurrent Still Lava minecraft:lava
12 SandNew Sand minecraft:sand
12:1 RedSandNew Red Sand minecraft:sand
13 GravelNew Gravel minecraft:gravel
14 GoldOreNew Gold Ore minecraft:gold_ore
15 IronOreNew Iron Ore minecraft:iron_ore
16 CoalOreNew Coal Ore minecraft:coal_ore
17 OakWood Oak Wood minecraft:log
17:1 SpruceWood Spruce Wood minecraft:log
17:2 BirchWood Birch Wood minecraft:log
17:3 JungleWood Jungle Wood minecraft:log
18 OakLeaves Oak Leaves minecraft:leaves
18:1 SpruceLeaves Spruce Leaves minecraft:leaves
18:2 BirchLeaves Birch Leaves minecraft:leaves
18:3 JungleLeaves Jungle Leaves minecraft:leaves
19 SpongeNew Sponge minecraft:sponge
19:1 WetSpongeNew Wet Sponge minecraft:sponge
20 GlassNew Glass minecraft:glass
21 LapisLazuliNew Lapis Lazuli Ore minecraft:lapis_ore
22 LapisLazuliBlockNew Lapis Lazuli Block minecraft:lapis_block
23 DispenserNew Dispenser minecraft:dispenser
24 SandstoneNew Sandstone minecraft:sandstone
24:1 ChiseledSandstoneNew Chiseled Sandstone minecraft:sandstone
24:2 CutSandstone Smooth Sandstone minecraft:sandstone
25 Note Block Note Block minecraft:noteblock
26 Bed Bed minecraft:bed
27 PoweredRailNew Powered Rail minecraft:golden_rail
28 DetectorRailNew Detector Rail minecraft:detector_rail
29 StickyPistonNew Sticky Piston minecraft:sticky_piston
30 CobwebNew Cobweb minecraft:web
31 DeadBushNew Dead Bush minecraft:tallgrass
31:1 ShortGrass Grass minecraft:tallgrass
31:2 Fern Fern minecraft:tallgrass
32 DeadBushNew Dead Bush minecraft:deadbush
33 PistonNew Piston minecraft:piston
34 PistonNew Piston Head minecraft:piston_head
35 White Wool Wool minecraft:wool
37 DandelionNew Dandelion minecraft:yellow_flower
38 PoppyNew Poppy minecraft:red_flower
39 BrownMushroomNew Brown Mushroom minecraft:brown_mushroom
40 RedMushroomNew Red Mushroom minecraft:red_mushroom
41 BlockOfGoldNew Block of Gold minecraft:gold_block
42 IronBlockNew Block of Iron minecraft:iron_block
43 Slab Double Stone Slab minecraft:double_stone_slab
44 Slab Stone Slab minecraft:stone_slab
45 Bricks Bricks minecraft:brick_block
46 TNTNew TNT minecraft:tnt
47 BookshelfNew Bookshelf minecraft:bookshelf
48 MossyCobblestoneNew Moss Stone minecraft:mossy_cobblestone
49 Obsidian Obsidian minecraft:obsidian
50 Torches Torch minecraft:torch
51 Fire3D Fire minecraft:fire
52 MobSpawnerNew Mob Spawner minecraft:mob_spawner
53 Stairs Oak Wood Stairs minecraft:oak_stairs
54 Singlechest Chest minecraft:chest
55 Redstone Dust sprite Redstone Wire minecraft:redstone_wire
56 DiamondOreNew Diamond Ore minecraft:diamond_ore
57 BlockOfDiamondNew Block of Diamond minecraft:diamond_block
58 CraftingTableNew Crafting Table minecraft:crafting_table
59 WheatBlockNew WheatS minecraft:wheat
60 NewFarmland Farmland minecraft:farmland
61 FurnaceNew Furnace minecraft:furnace
62 LitFurnaceNew Burning Furnace minecraft:lit_furnace
63 Sign Standing Sign minecraft:standing sign
64 Oak Door minecraft:wooden_door
65 LadderNew Ladder minecraft:ladder
66 RailNew Rail minecraft:rail
67 Cobblestone Stairs Cobblestone Stairs minecraft:stone_stairs


Mobs and Entities[]

Number Mob/Entitie Name ID
1 StoneNew Dropped Item minecraft:item
2 File:ExperiencePointNew.png Experience Orb minecraft:xp_orb



Fluid ID
Empty empty
Flowing Lava flowing_lava
Flowing Water flowing_water
Lava lava
Water water

Block Data[]

The following information includes information about the certain data values that determine a block's color, growth (used for certain types of plants such as wheat), and to distinguish certain types of blocks that are grouped in the same group.


These values determine a block's color.

Decimal Data value Hexadecimal Data value Color
0 0 White
1 1 Orange
2 2 Magenta
3 3 Light Blue
4 4 Yellow
5 5 Lime
6 6 Pink
7 7 Gray
8 8 Light Gray
9 9 Cyan
10 A Purple
11 B Blue
12 C Brown
13 D Green
14 E Red
15 F Black


Crops use block data values 1-7 for crop growth, however, some only have 4 textures, but they have multiple values per texture.

