An enderman holding a sand block
A haunting of Endermen, from the very first teaser screenshot.
A haunting of Endermen between
bedrock walls.
Enderman in the plains with a
grass block in its hands.
Enderman looking at a player.
An enderman holding a grass block
A haunting of angry Enderman in
the End.
A few Enderman in the End.
An Enderman taking damage in rain.
An Enderman taking damage.
Endermen with their mouths open.
An Enderman trapped inside of
The stats of an Enderman.
A bunch of endermen in the end, with some holding blocks.
An Enderman being looked at in the
Enderman in Beta 1.8-pre2, before it's texture got changed to purple eyes.
An Enderman holding a
TNT block.
An ended an viewed through a pumpkin head, and it’s holding a block!