The Fallout Mash-Up Pack is a mash-up pack available for Legacy Console Editions and the Bedrock Edition This DLC heavily borrows elements of the Fallout franchise to add new Skin options, textures, music, and a pre-made world.
- Vault Boy - Every Fallout
- Vault Girl - Every Fallout
- Albert Cole - (Vats version) - Fallout
- Albert Cole v2 - Fallout
- Max Stone - (Vats version) - Fallout
- Max Stone v2 - Fallout
- Natalia Dubrovhsky - (Vats version) - Fallout
- Natalia Dubrovhsky v2 - Fallout
- Chitsa - Fallout 2
- Hakunin - Fallout 2
- Harold - Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout 3 (Based on the Fallout 2 version)
- Mingan - Fallout 2
- Narg - Fallout 2
- Betty (Stanislaus Braun) - Fallout 3
- Brotherhood of Steel Knight/Paladin/Soldier - Every Fallout (Based on the Fallout 3 version)
- Butch DeLoria - Fallout 3
- Clover - Fallout 3
- Colonel Autumn - Fallout 3
- Fawkes - Fallout 3
- James - Fallout 3
- Lone Wanderer - (Female variant) - Fallout 3
- Lone Wanderer v2 - (Male variant) - Fallout 3
- Moira Brown - Fallout 3
- Star Paladin Cross - Fallout 3
- Three Dog - Fallout 3
- Bosco - Fallout 4
- Cait - Fallout 4
- Hancock - Fallout 4
- Jangles the Moon Monkey - Fallout 4
- Kellogg - Fallout 4
- Nick Valentine - Fallout 4
- Paladin Danse - Fallout 4
- Piper - Fallout 4
- Preston Garvey - Fallout 4
- Silver Shroud - Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 (Based on the Fallout 4 version)
- Sole Survivor - (Female variant) - Fallout 4
- Sole Survivor v2 - (Male variant) - Fallout 4
- The Mechanist - Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 (Based on the Fallout 4 version)
- Tinker Tom - Fallout 4
- Grognak the Barbarian - (Male variant) - Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 (based on the Fallout 4 version)
- Grognak the Barbarian v2 - (Female variant) - Fallout 4
- Raider - (Female variant) - Every Fallout
- Raider v2 - (Male variant) - Every Fallout
- Super Mutant - Every Fallout (based on the Fallout 3 version)
- Vertibirds (4 locations) - Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76
- The Cathedral/Los Angeles Vault - Fallout
- Junktown - Fallout
- Vault 13 - Fallout, Fallout 2
- Mariposa Military Base - Fallout and Fallout 2 (Based on the Fallout 2 version)
- Vault City/Vault 8 - Fallout 2
- UFO/Flying Saucer - Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 (Based on the Fallout 2 version)
- Vault 101 - Fallout 3
- Downtown Washington D.C. - Fallout 3
- U.S. Capitol Building - Fallout 3
- History Museum - Fallout 3
- Museum of Technology - Fallout 3
- Washington Monument - Fallout 3
- Jefferson Memorial - Fallout 3
- Reflecting Pool - Fallout 3
- The Mall - Fallout 3
- Lincoln Memorial - Fallout 3
- National Archives - Fallout 3
- Tennpenny Tower - Fallout 3
- The Citadel/The Pentagon - Fallout 3
- Metro (7 locations) - Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 (Based on the Fallout 3 version)
- Oasis - Fallout 3
- Megaton - Fallout 3
- Satellites/Revere Satellite Array - Fallout 3 and Fallout 4
- Crater of Atom/Crater house - Fallout 4
- Vault 111 - Fallout 4
- Sanctuary Hills - Fallout 4
- Red Rocket (2 locations) - Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter, and Fallout 76 (Based on the Fallout 4 version)
- Downtown Boston - Fallout 4
- Diamond City/Fenway Park - Fallout 4
- Trinity Tower - Fallout 4
- USS Constitution - Fallout 4
- The Prydwen - Fallout 4
- The Institute - Fallout 4
Texture Replacements[]
- Villager - Wastelander
- Creeper - Super Mutant
- Skeleton - Gen 1 Synth
- Enderman - Aliens/Zetans
- Wolf - Dog
- Horse - Giddy Up Buttercup
- Pig - Molerat
- Cow - Brahmin
- Drowned - Mirelurk King/Lake Lurk
- Iron Golem - Liberty Prime
- Diamond Armor - X-01 Power Armor
- Golden Armor - T45 Power Armor
- Iron Armor - Heavy Combat armor
- Chain Armor - Sturdy Metal armor
- Leather armor - Leather armor
- Maybe - By The Inkspots - Fallout, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76
- A Kiss to Build a Dream on - By Louis Armstrong - Fallout 2
- Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall - By The Ink Spots and Ella Fitzgerald - Fallout 3 and Fallout 4
- Fallout 4 Main Theme - Fallout 4
- Brotherhood of Steel Theme - Fallout 4
- The Institute theme - Fallout 4
Location of various items in the map[]
Twelve music discs[]
- cat-
- blocks-
- chirp-
- mellohi-
- far-
- stal-
- 11- .
- strad-
- ward-
- mall-
- 13-
- where are we now-
There are 5 villages in the map with 1 more nearby.
Ocean Monument[]
There is one near the Jefferson Memorial .
Nether Portal[]
There is one near Sanctuary Hills.
End Portal[]
There is one inside the mountain by Vault 101