Minecraft Wiki

For other articles related to "beasts", see Beast (Disambiguation).
For articles on other pig-like creatures, see Pigs (Disambiguation).

The Hoglin is a warthog-like hostile mob that spawns in the crimson forest biome of the Nether. They are the only breedable hostile mob, and they are also the main source of food in the Nether.[1]


Hoglins spawn in groups of 4 in crimson forest biomes and may respawn over time. 25% of them will spawn as babies.


Hoglins will attack players within 32 blocks on sight, flinging them into the air. Baby Hoglins also attack but deal less damage and do not fling the player. Like Piglins, both adult and baby Hoglins are passive on peaceful difficulty. Hoglins will not attack the player when standing near warped fungus, running up to seven blocks away. Though baby Hoglins flee when hit, all Hoglins have high knockback resistance. Adult Hoglins will also try to attack Armour Stands. 

Adult Piglins will attempt to hunt and kill Hoglins. Adult Hoglins will also be hostile towards piglins.

If a Hoglin is brought to the overworld or end, it will start shivering and turn into a Zoglin after 15 seconds, or 300 game ticks. Hoglins can be summoned  using commands with the tag {IsImmuneToZombification} set to 1 which prevents them from turning into zoglins when in the Overworld or The End.


  • On Easy, an adult Hoglin does 1 - 2.5 hearts of damage.
  • On Normal, an adult Hoglin does 1.5 - 4 hearts of damage.
  • On Hard, an adult Hoglin does 2 - 1 x 6 hearts of damage.
  • On every difficulty, a Baby Hoglin does 0.5 hearts of damage.


If you have a shield, you will not get damaged.


Upon death, a Hoglin will drop leather and raw porkchop. If they die burning, they would drop cooked porkchops. Adult Hoglins drop experience points, 2 to 4 raw porkchops, and 0 to 2 leather when killed. However, Baby Hoglin only drop experience points. 




  • They are the fourth mob to be derived from pigs, including the unreleased pigman.
  • They used to be called "Piglin Beasts" as a placeholder name before being named hoglin by the community.
    • This is similar to the ravager originally being called "Illager Beast" before the name was chosen by the community.
  • Hoglins are the only hostile mobs, other than the unused Killer Bunny, that can be bred.
  • Baby hoglins are the only baby mobs that grow up that drop experience when killed.
  • They do some knockback damage to the player and piglins when they attack with their tusks, but they do not take much knockback themselves. Netherite armor will be very useful against a hoglin because Netherite armor greatly reduces the amount of knockback received.
  • Hoglins and piglins are the only Nether-exclusive mobs that are not immune to fire or lava.
  • Baby piglins can ride baby hoglins.



Click for full Hoglin gallery.


Mobs in Minecraft
Passive Mobs
BatFace Bat OcelotFace Cat ChickenFace Chicken CowFace Cow
CodBody Fish (various) Link=Fox Fox Glow Squid Face Glow Squid HorseHead Horse
MooshroomFace Mooshroom BrownMooshroomFace Brown Mooshroom OcelotFace Ocelot ParrotFaceParrot
PigFace Pig Big-rabbit-face Rabbit SheepFace Sheep Snowgolemhead Snow Golem
Squidface Squid StriderFace Strider TurtleFaceTurtle Villagerhead Villager
WanderingTraderFace Wandering Trader
Neutral Mobs
AxolotlFace Axolotl BeeFace Bee DolphinHead Dolphin EndermanFace Enderman
GoatFace Goat Vg face Iron Golem Big-llama-face Llama Panda FaceZ Panda
PiglinFace Piglin PolarBearFace Polar Bear SpiderFace Spider CaveSpiderFace Cave Spider
BetterWolfFace Wolf ZombifiedPiglinFace Zombified Piglin
Hostile Mobs
Blaze Face Blaze CreeperFace Creeper Drownedheaad Drowned Enderdragon Face Ender Dragon
EndermiteFace Endermite EvokerFace Evoker Link=Evoker Fang Evoker Fang GhastFace Ghast
Link=Guardian Guardian Big-elder-guardian-face Elder Guardian Hoglin faceHoglin HuskFace Husk
Magma Cube Face Magma Cube PhantomFace Phantom PiglinBruteFace Piglin Brute PillagerFace Pillager
RavagerFace Ravager Big-shulker-face Shulker SilverfishFace Silverfish SkeletonFace Skeleton
SlimeFace Slime Spider SkeletonFace Spider Jockey StrayFace Stray VexFace Vex
VindicatorFace Vindicator Warden Face Warden 50px-WitchFace Witch Wither face Wither
WitherSkeletonHead Wither Skeleton Spider WitherSkeleton Wither Skeleton Jockey ZoglinFaceZoglin ZombieFace Zombie
ZombieVillagerFace Zombie Villager

