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Mincraft jurassic world

Minecraft Jurassic World is a DLC for Minecraft released on August 18, 2020 on all platforms worldwide. The DLC can be bought in downloaded in the in-game Minecraft store, either by real money or by Minecoins (an in-game currency earned by playing the game).

Added Features[]

Once bought, the DLC adds a special map players can play in; a faithful recreation of Jurassic World. The park has two states: open and closed. When closed, the player can regroup and build up their dinosaur collection. When open, the player has to resolve issues with the theme park for as long as they can, without the park having to shut down. The open mode has many different types of disasters, such as raging storms and asset breakouts. The player must attempt to get as high a score as possible.

This DLC adds 60 dinosaurs, including added skins and hybrids. Each dinosaur has a bioluminescent skin and a color skin. The player can ride in park vehicles, tranquilize and transport dinosaurs, collect dinosaur samples and add their own attractions.

Making a dinosaur[]

  1. Collect fossils: Once equipped an extraction tool given by park rangers, head over to the Amber Mines or the Dig Site. Once found a fossil or amber, destroy it with the extraction tool to earn the DNA sample.
  2. Head over to the Lab. Once the Station 1 scientist tells you they have infinite amounts of the fossil you just collected, head to Station 2 to extract the fossils. Get the three different colored vials. Put the green, red, and blue vials at the top of the extractor and your DNA material at the bottom and wait for the process to finish.
  3. Obtaining an embryo requires different amounts of red, green, and blue vials. Put your DNA and your different vials anywhere in the machine's crafting area and receive your embryo. Note: Different dinosaurs require different amounts of vials.
  4. To give your embryo an eggshell, move to the next station, which will have ostrich eggs already prepared. Put your embryo in the top slot, and wait for results.
  5. You now have an egg, which can be hatched in the test area, sedated, and moved into an enclosure of your choice.


  • Ankylosaurus
  • Apatosaurus
  • Armiger Rex (Hybrid)
  • Blue (Velociraptor)
  • Brachiosaurus
  • Carnotaurus
  • Clariodon (Hybrid)
  • Compsognathus
  • Dilophosaurus
  • Dimorphodon
  • Fascino Nathus (Hybrid)
  • Gallimimus
  • Iacusaurus (Hybrid)
  • Indominus Rex (Hybrid)
  • Indoraptor (Hybrid)
  • Mosasaurus
  • Parasaurolophus
  • Placidusaur (Hybrid)
  • Pluma Raptor (Hybrid)
  • Pteranodon
  • Rexy (Tyrannosaurus Rex)
  • Spinosaurus
  • Stegosaurus
  • Stygi Liberi (Hybrid)
  • Stygimoloch
  • Symmachosophus (Hybrid)
  • Triceratops
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Velociraptor
  • Venatorus