(This is as of 1.16 for anyone who finds this later, I'll be releasing another one for 1.17 eventually)
I'm going to be straight with you: This is a huge undertaking that you should never ever try under any circumstances.
If you just want the final answer, here it is: 716[]
If you want the process on how I got there in the first place, here you go:
I started with the trees/warped fungi/crimson fungi.
8 types total, and they each have the following to their name:
- Wood(+1 for giant shrooms)
- Logs
- Stripped wood
- Stripped Logs
- Leaves(or root blocks for the fungi)(+3 for Shroomlight and giant shrooms)
- Planks
- Slabs
- Stairs
- Fences(+1 for nether brick fences)
- Pressure plates
- Buttons
- Doors(+1 for iron doors)
- Trapdoors(+1 for iron trapdoors)
- Signs
- Fence Gates
- Saplings(*2 +4 for giant shrooms)
This brings our total to 8 * 16, which is 120 + 11 extras, meaning our final number for wood-based blocks is 139.
Next, I moved on to dirt-based blocks(also I dropped capitalization to make this a bit quicker). Here goes nothing:
- air
- dirt
- farmland
- fertile farmland
- grass
- mycelium
- podzol
- coarse dirt
- sand
- sandstone
- sandstone stairs
- sandstone slabs
- sandstone wall
- Cut sandstone
- cut sandstone stairs
- cut sandstone slabs
- chiseled sandstone
- smooth sandstone
- smooth sandstone stairs
- smooth sandstone slabs
- redsand
- Redsandstone
- redsandstone stairs
- redsandstone slabs
- redsandstone wall
- Cut Redsandstone
- Cut Redsandstone stairs
- Cut Redsandstone slabs
- chiseled Redsandstone
- smooth Redsandstone
- smooth Redsandstone stairs
- smooth Redsandstone slabs
- clay
- bricks
- brick stairs
- brick slabs
- brick wall
- gravel
- warped nylium
- crimson nylium
- soul sand
- soul soil
- bedrock
- snow grass
139 + 44 = 183.
Next(Hoo boy, this is a big one), stone-based blocks. Aight, here goes nothing!
- Stone
- stone stairs
- stone slabs
- stone wall
- stone pressure plate
- Smooth stone
- smooth stone slab
- cobble
- cobble stair
- cobble slab
- cobble wall
- moss cobble
- moss cobble stair
- moss cobble slab
- moss cobble wall
- stone brick
- cracked stone brick
- stone brick stairs
- stone brick slab
- stone brick wall
- moss stone brick
- moss stone brick stairs
- moss stone brick slab
- moss stone brick wall
- Chiseled stone brick
- infested stone
- infested cobblestone
- infested stone brick
- infested cracked stone brick
- infested chiseled stone brick
- granite
- granite stairs
- granite slabs
- granite wall
- polished granite
- polished granite stairs
- polished granite slabs
- diorite
- diorite stairs
- diorite slabs
- diorite wall
- polished diorite
- polished diorite stairs
- polished diorite slabs
- Andesite
- Andesite stairs
- andesite slab
- andesite wall
- Polished andesite
- Polished Andesite stairs
- Polished andesite slab
- ice
- packed ice
- blue ice
- obsidian
- crying obsid
- prismarine
- prismarine slabs
- prismarine stair
- prismarine wall
- dark prismarine
- dark prismarine slabs
- dark prismarine stair
- dark prismarine wall
- prismarine brick
- prismarine brick slabs
- prismarine brick stair
- prismarine brick wall
- sea lantern
- glowstone
- netherrack
- basalt
- polished basalt
- blackstone
- blackstone stairs
- blackstone slab
- blackstone wall
- polished blackstone
- polished blackstone stairs
- polished blackstone slabs
- polished blackstone wall
- polished blackstone pressure plate
- polished blackstone brick
- polished blackstone brick stairs
- polished blackstone brick slabs
- polished blackstone brick wall
- gold-infused polished blackstone brick
- cracked polished blackstone brick
- smooth blackstone
- smooth blackstone stairs
- smooth blackstone slabs
- quartz
- quartz stair
- quartz slab
- quartz wall
- quartz pillar
- quartz brick
- smooth quartz
- smooth quartz stair
- smooth quartz slab
- smooth quartz wall
183 + 101 = 284.
Now onto the misc. category(as well as some other stuff I though of):
- coal ore
- coal block
- iron ore
- iron block
- iron pressure plate
- tripwire hook
- trapped chest
- string
- beehive
- manmade beehive
- honeycomb block
- honey block
- slimeblock
- redstone
- redstone ore
- redstone block
- gold ore
- gold block
- gold pressure plate
- diamond block
- diamond ore
- ancient debris
- netherite block
- lapis ore
- lapis block
- emerald ore
- emerald block
- quartz ore
- nether gold
- nether portal
- iron bars
- repeater
- dropper
- comparator
- dispenser
- lava
- water
- scafolding
- haybale
- red netherbrick
- netherbrick
- netherbrick slab
- netherbrick stair
- netherbrick wall
- chiseled netherbrick
- torch
- soul torch
- campfire
- soul campfire
- fire
- soul fire
- tnt
- brewing stand
- cake1
- cake2
- cake3
- cake4
- cake5
- cake6
- sponge
- wet sponge
- cauldron
- chest
- ender chest
- barrel
- shulker box
- redstone lamp
- level
- jukebox
- note block
- enchantment table
- furnace
- blast furnace
- smoker
- workbench
- fletcher
- stone cutter
- anvil
- cartographer
- composter
- loom
- smither
- lantern
- soul lantern
- target
- resp. anchor
- lodestone
- end portal
- piston
- sticky piston head
- piston head
- active redstone1
- active redstone2
- active redstone3
- active redstone4
- active redstone5
- active redstone6
- active redstone7
- active redstone8
- active redstone9
- active redstone10
- active redstone11
- active redstone12
- active redstone13
- active redstone14
- active redstone15
- comparator(torch on)
- redstone torch
- redstone torch(off)
- daylight sensor
- daylight sensor(night)
- rail
- powered rail
- activator rail
- detector rail
- hopper
- observer
- cactus
- dead bush
- chorus plant
- chorus fruit
- lily pad
- pumpkin
- pumpkin seeds1
- pumpkin seeds2
- pumpkin seeds3
- pumpkin seeds4
- melon
- melon seeds1
- melon seeds2
- melon seeds3
- melon seeds4
- wheat1
- wheat2
- wheat3
- wheat4
- potato1
- potato2
- potato3
- potato4
- carrot1
- carrot2
- carrot3
- carrot4
- sugar cane
- vine
- cocoa bean1
- cocoa bean2
- cocoa bean3
- kelp
- tube Corral
- brain Corral
- bubble Corral
- fire Corral
- yellow Corral
- dead tube Corral
- dead brain Corral
- dead bubble Corral
- dead fire Corral
- dead yellow Corral
- tube Corral block
- brain Corral block
- bubble Corral block
- fire Corral block
- yellow Corral block
- dead tube Corral block
- dead brain Corral block
- dead bubble Corral block
- dead fire Corral block
- dead yellow Corral block
- lecturn
- bookshelf
- doublechest1
- doublechest2
- trapped doublechest1
- trapped doublechest2
- berry bush1
- berry bush2
- berry bush3
- crimson root
- warped root
- nether wart1
- nether wart2
- nether wart3
- nether wart4
- weeping vine
- twisted vine
- sea pickle1
- sea pickle2
- sea pickle3
- sea pickle4
- turtle egg1
- turtle egg2
- turtle egg3
- turtle egg4
- magma blocks
- dragon egg
- endstone
- endstone brick
- endstone brick stairs
- endstone brick slabs
- endstone brick wall
- purpur
- purpur slab
- purpur stairs
- purpur wall
- dragon head
- player head
- zombie head
- skelly head
- wither skelly head
- creeper head
- end rod
- command block
- barrier
- chain CB
- repeat CB
- active repeater
- active comparator1
- active comparator2
- end gateway
- grass
- tall grass
- seagrass
- tall seagrass
- fern
- tall fern
- pumpkin
- jack o' lantern
- pumpkin head
- allium
- potted AL
- azure bluet
- potted AB
- blue orchid
- Potted BO
- cornflower
- Potted CF
- Cyan Flower
- Potted CY
- Dandelion
- Potted DA
- lilac
- potted LC
- Lily of the vally
- potted LV
- peony
- Potted PY
- Poppy
- Potted PP
- Rosebush
- potted RB
- Sunflower
- Potted SF
- tulip
- Potted TuL
- Wither rose
- Potted WR
- Orange tulip
- Potted OF
- Pink tulip
- Potted PF
- orange tulip
- Potted OT
- red tulip
- Potted RT
- Light blue tulip
- Potted LT
- White tulip
- Potted WT
- Potted catcus
- Potted dead bush
284 + 272 = 556. Wow.
Next, colored blocks. Each is multiplied by 16.
- terracotta(+1 base)
- concrete powder
- Concrete
- glazed terracotta
- banner
- wool
- carpet
- glass(+1 base)
- tinted glass(+1 base)
- bed
556 + 160 = 716.
This took me no joke 2 1/2 hours, I'm going to bed. (I'll be releasing an updated version when 1.17 arrives btw!)