Minecraft Wiki

(This is as of 1.16 for anyone who finds this later, I'll be releasing another one for 1.17 eventually)

I'm going to be straight with you: This is a huge undertaking that you should never ever try under any circumstances.

If you just want the final answer, here it is: 716[]

If you want the process on how I got there in the first place, here you go:

I started with the trees/warped fungi/crimson fungi.

8 types total, and they each have the following to their name:

  1. Wood(+1 for giant shrooms)
  2. Logs
  3. Stripped wood
  4. Stripped Logs
  5. Leaves(or root blocks for the fungi)(+3 for Shroomlight and giant shrooms)
  6. Planks
  7. Slabs
  8. Stairs
  9. Fences(+1 for nether brick fences)
  10. Pressure plates
  11. Buttons
  12. Doors(+1 for iron doors)
  13. Trapdoors(+1 for iron trapdoors)
  14. Signs
  15. Fence Gates
  16. Saplings(*2 +4 for giant shrooms)

This brings our total to 8 * 16, which is 120 + 11 extras, meaning our final number for wood-based blocks is 139.

Next, I moved on to dirt-based blocks(also I dropped capitalization to make this a bit quicker). Here goes nothing:

  1. air
  2. dirt
  3. farmland
  4. fertile farmland
  5. grass
  6. mycelium
  7. podzol
  8. coarse dirt
  9. sand
  10. sandstone
  11. sandstone stairs
  12. sandstone slabs
  13. sandstone wall
  14. Cut sandstone
  15. cut sandstone stairs
  16. cut sandstone slabs
  17. chiseled sandstone
  18. smooth sandstone
  19. smooth sandstone stairs
  20. smooth sandstone slabs
  21. redsand
  22. Redsandstone
  23. redsandstone stairs
  24. redsandstone slabs
  25. redsandstone wall
  26. Cut Redsandstone
  27. Cut Redsandstone stairs
  28. Cut Redsandstone slabs
  29. chiseled Redsandstone
  30. smooth Redsandstone
  31. smooth Redsandstone stairs
  32. smooth Redsandstone slabs
  33. clay
  34. bricks
  35. brick stairs
  36. brick slabs
  37. brick wall
  38. gravel
  39. warped nylium
  40. crimson nylium
  41. soul sand
  42. soul soil
  43. bedrock
  44. snow grass

139 + 44 = 183.

Next(Hoo boy, this is a big one), stone-based blocks. Aight, here goes nothing!

  1. Stone
  2. stone stairs
  3. stone slabs
  4. stone wall
  5. stone pressure plate
  6. Smooth stone
  7. smooth stone slab
  8. cobble
  9. cobble stair
  10. cobble slab
  11. cobble wall
  12. moss cobble
  13. moss cobble stair
  14. moss cobble slab
  15. moss cobble wall
  16. stone brick
  17. cracked stone brick
  18. stone brick stairs
  19. stone brick slab
  20. stone brick wall
  21. moss stone brick
  22. moss stone brick stairs
  23. moss stone brick slab
  24. moss stone brick wall
  25. Chiseled stone brick
  26. infested stone
  27. infested cobblestone
  28. infested stone brick
  29. infested cracked stone brick
  30. infested chiseled stone brick
  31. granite
  32. granite stairs
  33. granite slabs
  34. granite wall
  35. polished granite
  36. polished granite stairs
  37. polished granite slabs
  38. diorite
  39. diorite stairs
  40. diorite slabs
  41. diorite wall
  42. polished diorite
  43. polished diorite stairs
  44. polished diorite slabs
  45. Andesite
  46. Andesite stairs
  47. andesite slab
  48. andesite wall
  49. Polished andesite
  50. Polished Andesite stairs
  51. Polished andesite slab
  52. ice
  53. packed ice
  54. blue ice
  55. obsidian
  56. crying obsid
  57. prismarine
  58. prismarine slabs
  59. prismarine stair
  60. prismarine wall
  61. dark prismarine
  62. dark prismarine slabs
  63. dark prismarine stair
  64. dark prismarine wall
  65. prismarine brick
  66. prismarine brick slabs
  67. prismarine brick stair
  68. prismarine brick wall
  69. sea lantern
  70. glowstone
  71. netherrack
  72. basalt
  73. polished basalt
  74. blackstone
  75. blackstone stairs
  76. blackstone slab
  77. blackstone wall
  78. polished blackstone
  79. polished blackstone stairs
  80. polished blackstone slabs
  81. polished blackstone wall
  82. polished blackstone pressure plate
  83. polished blackstone brick
  84. polished blackstone brick stairs
  85. polished blackstone brick slabs
  86. polished blackstone brick wall
  87. gold-infused polished blackstone brick
  88. cracked polished blackstone brick
  89. smooth blackstone
  90. smooth blackstone stairs
  91. smooth blackstone slabs
  92. quartz
  93. quartz stair
  94. quartz slab
  95. quartz wall
  96. quartz pillar
  97. quartz brick
  98. smooth quartz
  99. smooth quartz stair
  100. smooth quartz slab
  101. smooth quartz wall

183 + 101 = 284.

Now onto the misc. category(as well as some other stuff I though of):

  1. coal ore
  2. coal block
  3. iron ore
  4. iron block
  5. iron pressure plate
  6. tripwire hook
  7. trapped chest
  8. string
  9. beehive
  10. manmade beehive
  11. honeycomb block
  12. honey block
  13. slimeblock
  14. redstone
  15. redstone ore
  16. redstone block
  17. gold ore
  18. gold block
  19. gold pressure plate
  20. diamond block
  21. diamond ore
  22. ancient debris
  23. netherite block
  24. lapis ore
  25. lapis block
  26. emerald ore
  27. emerald block
  28. quartz ore
  29. nether gold
  30. nether portal
  31. iron bars
  32. repeater
  33. dropper
  34. comparator
  35. dispenser
  36. lava
  37. water
  38. scafolding
  39. haybale
  40. red netherbrick
  41. netherbrick
  42. netherbrick slab
  43. netherbrick stair
  44. netherbrick wall
  45. chiseled netherbrick
  46. torch
  47. soul torch
  48. campfire
  49. soul campfire
  50. fire
  51. soul fire
  52. tnt
  53. brewing stand
  54. cake1
  55. cake2
  56. cake3
  57. cake4
  58. cake5
  59. cake6
  60. sponge
  61. wet sponge
  62. cauldron
  63. chest
  64. ender chest
  65. barrel
  66. shulker box
  67. redstone lamp
  68. level
  69. jukebox
  70. note block
  71. enchantment table
  72. furnace
  73. blast furnace
  74. smoker
  75. workbench
  76. fletcher
  77. stone cutter
  78. anvil
  79. cartographer
  80. composter
  81. loom
  82. smither
  83. lantern
  84. soul lantern
  85. target
  86. resp. anchor
  87. lodestone
  88. end portal
  89. piston
  90. sticky piston head
  91. piston head
  92. active redstone1
  93. active redstone2
  94. active redstone3
  95. active redstone4
  96. active redstone5
  97. active redstone6
  98. active redstone7
  99. active redstone8
  100. active redstone9
  101. active redstone10
  102. active redstone11
  103. active redstone12
  104. active redstone13
  105. active redstone14
  106. active redstone15
  107. comparator(torch on)
  108. redstone torch
  109. redstone torch(off)
  110. daylight sensor
  111. daylight sensor(night)
  112. rail
  113. powered rail
  114. activator rail
  115. detector rail
  116. hopper
  117. observer
  118. cactus
  119. dead bush
  120. chorus plant
  121. chorus fruit
  122. lily pad
  123. pumpkin
  124. pumpkin seeds1
  125. pumpkin seeds2
  126. pumpkin seeds3
  127. pumpkin seeds4
  128. melon
  129. melon seeds1
  130. melon seeds2
  131. melon seeds3
  132. melon seeds4
  133. wheat1
  134. wheat2
  135. wheat3
  136. wheat4
  137. potato1
  138. potato2
  139. potato3
  140. potato4
  141. carrot1
  142. carrot2
  143. carrot3
  144. carrot4
  145. sugar cane
  146. vine
  147. cocoa bean1
  148. cocoa bean2
  149. cocoa bean3
  150. kelp
  151. tube Corral
  152. brain Corral
  153. bubble Corral
  154. fire Corral
  155. yellow Corral
  156. dead tube Corral
  157. dead brain Corral
  158. dead bubble Corral
  159. dead fire Corral
  160. dead yellow Corral
  161. tube Corral block
  162. brain Corral block
  163. bubble Corral block
  164. fire Corral block
  165. yellow Corral block
  166. dead tube Corral block
  167. dead brain Corral block
  168. dead bubble Corral block
  169. dead fire Corral block
  170. dead yellow Corral block
  171. lecturn
  172. bookshelf
  173. doublechest1
  174. doublechest2
  175. trapped doublechest1
  176. trapped doublechest2
  177. berry bush1
  178. berry bush2
  179. berry bush3
  180. crimson root
  181. warped root
  182. nether wart1
  183. nether wart2
  184. nether wart3
  185. nether wart4
  186. weeping vine
  187. twisted vine
  188. sea pickle1
  189. sea pickle2
  190. sea pickle3
  191. sea pickle4
  192. turtle egg1
  193. turtle egg2
  194. turtle egg3
  195. turtle egg4
  196. magma blocks
  197. dragon egg
  198. endstone
  199. endstone brick
  200. endstone brick stairs
  201. endstone brick slabs
  202. endstone brick wall
  203. purpur
  204. purpur slab
  205. purpur stairs
  206. purpur wall
  207. dragon head
  208. player head
  209. zombie head
  210. skelly head
  211. wither skelly head
  212. creeper head
  213. end rod
  214. command block
  215. barrier
  216. chain CB
  217. repeat CB
  218. active repeater
  219. active comparator1
  220. active comparator2
  221. end gateway
  222. grass
  223. tall grass
  224. seagrass
  225. tall seagrass
  226. fern
  227. tall fern
  228. pumpkin
  229. jack o' lantern
  230. pumpkin head
  231. allium
  232. potted AL
  233. azure bluet
  234. potted AB
  235. blue orchid
  236. Potted BO
  237. cornflower
  238. Potted CF
  239. Cyan Flower
  240. Potted CY
  241. Dandelion
  242. Potted DA
  243. lilac
  244. potted LC
  245. Lily of the vally
  246. potted LV
  247. peony
  248. Potted PY
  249. Poppy
  250. Potted PP
  251. Rosebush
  252. potted RB
  253. Sunflower
  254. Potted SF
  255. tulip
  256. Potted TuL
  257. Wither rose
  258. Potted WR
  259. Orange tulip
  260. Potted OF
  261. Pink tulip
  262. Potted PF
  263. orange tulip
  264. Potted OT
  265. red tulip
  266. Potted RT
  267. Light blue tulip
  268. Potted LT
  269. White tulip
  270. Potted WT
  271. Potted catcus
  272. Potted dead bush

284 + 272 = 556. Wow.

Next, colored blocks. Each is multiplied by 16.

  1. terracotta(+1 base)
  2. concrete powder
  3. Concrete
  4. glazed terracotta
  5. banner
  6. wool
  7. carpet
  8. glass(+1 base)
  9. tinted glass(+1 base)
  10. bed

556 + 160 = 716.

This took me no joke 2 1/2 hours, I'm going to bed. (I'll be releasing an updated version when 1.17 arrives btw!)