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The Wretched Wraith is a boss mob in the upcoming Minecraft: Dungeons Creeping Winter DLC. It is the Final Boss, and is found in the Lone Fortress.

When the Orb of Dominance was destroyed, one of the Shards from the Orb was found by the Wraith, who is now under control of it to spread winter across the island. It is the hero's mission to find the Wraith and stop it from freezing the entire Overworld.


Deep within the lone fortress a wraith, distorted by the shard's influence, is the source of the creeping winter. The shard must be destroyed before this Wretched Wraith can turn the world to nothing but ice and snow. -In-game Voiceover-


Soul Missiles

The Wretched Wraith will shoot fast, directed missiles at the player one at a time.

Soul Bullets

The Wretched Wraith will spew a lot of little projectiles the player will have to dodge while sliding around on the ice.


The Wretched Wraith will summon Strays, Frozen Zombies, and Wraiths around the player.


If the player gets to close the Wretched Wraith will push the player back dealing little damage and great knockback.


The Wretched Wraith looks similar to a Wraith in regular Minecraft: Dungeons, but with purple eyes, an icy crown, shouldercaps, a shard from the orb of dominance, and distinctly larger blue hands.


To Be Announced
