An example of a
zombie "farm" with a
slime at the corner.
A glass trap. Notice that it is burning because it has no roof covering the sunlight.
A Zombie getting hurt by
A zombie, taken from Minecraft: Pocket Edition.
A horde of Zombies burning in the daytime.
Zombie with Pumpkin on his Head
A Chicken Jockey in 1.7.4.
A Zombie in Minecraft: Pocket Edition.
A baby zombie next to an adult in a debug world.
a zombie burning in the daylight
A Zombie figure from J!NX next to an
iron ore block.
Baby Zombie with leather armor.
A Wolf Jockey in MCPE 0.11.1
A baby zombie sitting on a zombie in the bottom-left corner.
A naturally spawned zombie spawner
Several Zombie Villagers in the new 1.9 skin. Notice how the clothing they wear relates to the clothing they had as a Villager.
A Baby Zombie wearing gold armor riding a grown-up Zombie while burning in sunlight as well as trying to attack and kill the Villager
A Zombie Inside of a player-made structure.
A naturally spawned zombie in Diamond Armor.
A Baby Zombie riding a Spider underwater.
Unfixed glitch when any baby zombie type have Hair layer inside the head.